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"Colton Dixon!" I shouted as a slightly taken back producer wrote down the name of last seasons former idol.

This year, the top five of American Idol were given the opportunity to preform a duet with any former idol contestant for our top five performance. Right now we were down to the top six (Skylar, Phillip, Joshua, Jessica, Hollie, and Myself) one of which would be eliminated tonight. I, of course, took the opportunity to meet my biggest fan girl crush of all time.

All the other contestants started laughing, I hadn't even given Nigel enough time to finish his sentence before I started yelling. I heard the words, ' any seasons past idol contestant' and immediately flipped.

They all said which idols they wanted to meet, but I wasn't listening, I was in total Colton fantasy mode. I've dreamed of this moment since Colton preformed Broken Heart last year for his top 11 performance.

The second Nigel left the room I jumped on the couch and screamed, "I'M GONNA MEET COLTON! ME! I AM ACTUALLY GOING TO MEET COLTON DIXON! THE COLTON DIXON!"

Jessica grabbed my arm, trying to calm me down, "Ann-Marie, Ann-Marie! please calm down. I think it's safe to say you're freaking everybody out right now."

I was still really jittery and I grabbed her shoulders looking her in the eyes, "I.Love.Him.I.Would.Die.For.Him."

Jessica removed my hands from her shoulders, "You are the perfect definition of crazy, obsessed, fan girl."

I shrugged, "Nothing I've never heard before."

She laughed, "Just don't embarrass yourself in front of Colton. Try to refrain from your obsessive and insane ways while he's around."

"Just watch," I said, "He's going to fall madly in love with me."

Phillip snorted, "That's likely."

"Oh come on, who could resist this?" I said pointing at myself.

"It would take too long to name everyone on that list."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever! Who did you guys pick for your duets?"

"Not listening, eh? Well, I picked Scotty McCreery, from season ten." Phillip said.

"I took Carrie Underwood." Skylar said in her thick country drawl.

Jessica spoke next, "I picked the one and only Clay Aiken!" I squealed, "I'm sooo jealous!"

Holly smiled, "I know right! I picked Kelly Clarkson."

Joshua nodded, "And I chose Adam Lambert."

I blinked, "Why?"

He shrugged and I nodded, "That sounds pretty good, guys! But I still think I picked the best Idol."

"Oh Please! He wasn't even that good, you just think he's hot." Phillip said.

"He was too good! And can you blame me? Every girl in America thinks he's hot."

Hollie shrugged, "I didn't think he was that hot... Cute, sure, but not like sexy."

I gasped and popped Hollie on the mouth, "Don't ever say that in front of me again!" She shook her head laughing a bit and pulled herself off of the couch walking over to the kitchen and pulling out a bottle of water. "I picked mine solely on voice, I'm thinking about votes, not personal enjoyment."

"Well, Colton was a huge fan favorite last season and has a humongous fan base who want him to redeem himself, so I think I'll be good on votes." I said. Jessica nodded, "True. I just can't believe we get to spend a week with five celebrities! I'm already thinking of what song I want to do."

Phillip agreed, "Yeah I have like five songs that I've already began to contemplate. It just sucks that one of us won't be able to participate." He said referring tonight when one of us would be eliminated, and I was praying to God that it wouldn't be me.

I looked over at Hollie I don't want to sound mean, she's one of my best friends, but I have a feeling she's not gonna be here next week.

"I know, I do not want to miss what might be my only chance to meet Clay Aiken." Jessica said dialing a number on her phone and walking out of the room.

I sighed tracing designs on the granite countertop with my pinky, "Joshua, promise me I'm not going home tonight." He looked at me from where he was standing, "In total honesty I don't think you're going to be one that misses out on this opportunity." I smiled at him, "Thanks."

*****RESULTS SHOW******

I know it's mean but I was jumping up and down and cheering inside when they announced that Hollie, Skylar, and Jessica were in the bottom three. COLTON TIME! I know they'd never admit it but I could tell that the other two contestants that weren't in the bottom three were just as happy as I was.

I was scrolling through a mental song list of possible things I could sing with Colton and so far I was down to four:

1) Run Away Baby by Bruno Mars

2) Disease by Matchbox 20

3) You're not in on the Joke by Cobra Starship

4) Drive By by Train

I'm not a big fan of Bruno Mars, but I think Run Away Baby would be a fun high energy performance that America would enjoy. So, I was definatley considering that one. I decided to cross off Drive By, now that I'm thinking about it, it just doesn't seem like a very fitting song for me.

We were able to pick two songs to perform with our Idol, I wanted one to be upbeat and the other to be more mellow. So that puts Disease at the top of my list, and I'll just have to decide between You're not in on the Joke and Run Away Baby.

"And the person who is leaving us tonight is....." Ryan said dramatically, wow I must have been zoned out for awhile. I looked at Hollie and Skylar, the bottom two. Hollie looked a little hopeful, poor thing, she was so obviously leaving.

Ryan looked at the two girls, "Skylar." I was shocked but at the same time overjoyed. I can't believe Hollie survived ANOTHER trip to the bottom two, but she's one of my besties and I'm glad she did.

I could tell that Phillip and Joshua were shocked as well because we all turned and looked at each other with a look that said: "WTF!?" I shrugged, "I love Hollie, but I thought Skylar had a bigger fan base...." of course I thought that top seven week when Michael (The guy that's replacing Colton) got the boot, and I had thought he has the biggest fan base of all.

They nodded and the music for Skylar's good bye song started playing, Hollie walked over to the couches sobbing and Joshua embraced her. I rubbed her back as Skylar gave one last high energy performance for the adoring public.

As soon as the show ended we all rushed over to the country girl and flung our arms around her. She took a moment to look us each in the eyes, "I guess this means I won't be meeting Carrie Underwood." Tears pooled in her eyes and I hugged her again. "Promise you guys will take pictures with your Idols and send them to me?" We all nodded, promising we would.

The judges and Skylar's family flooded in and we were pushed out of the way. "I was looking forward to meeting Carrie...." Hollie mumbled through her sniffles. I nodded, "As was I..." Phillip put an arm around me as we watched Skylar's family shed tears and embrace her.

"Well, at least we all get to meet Colton." I said. Phillip smiled, "You're obsessed." I looked up at him, "You think I'm obsessed now? You should have seen me last year when he was on Idol, It was insane." Joshua folded his hands and looked to the heavens, "Thank the Lord I didn't have to experience that." I laughed and the security guards ushered us off the stage.

Close Your Eyes and Wish for it (A Colton Dixon Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now