Promise Me

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Good news: My lab exam is this afternoon, so I will no longer be using all my time to study for that.

Bad news: I have a five page paper due the day after tomorrow, so I'll be spending all my time working on that now.

College is great.


Gibbs looked up in surprise as Ziva entered the squad room. "Ziver?"

"Hi, Gibbs." She sat down at her desk without another word, like it was any other day.

"Where's DiNozzo?"

"Safe house."

He frowned. He'd thought the two of them were on the same page, but apparently not. "He waiting for the Dragon?"


That answered that. Ziva hated stakeouts, any kind of waiting.

"And what about you?" Gibbs asked.

She shrugged. "What are you and McGee working on?"

"Just some backed-up case files. Nothing too exciting."

"I'll help." She stuck her hands out to take some of the files from him, and he eventually obliged after a moment's hesitation.

"Where do you plan on staying?" he asked.

Another shrug.

"My couch is still free."

"Thank you."

He glanced her way again, and knew that something was eating away at her. It was just a matter of figuring out what exactly. And knowing Ziva, she wasn't going to give the information up easily.


Tony moved away from the window, walking through the house to one of the back windows.

He stood there for a few moments, scanning the treeline for movement.

Satisfied, he returned to the front of the house to watch from there again.

He mulled over that last conversation as he looked around.

He could see where she was coming from, not wanting to put herself in harm's way given her condition, but he thought she still could've stayed. He promised to keep her safe, but apparently that wasn't enough.

It was just never enough.


McGee did a doubletake entering the squad room. He definitely hadn't been expecting to see Ziva sitting at her desk like everything was back to normal.

"Hey, Ziva," he said casually.

She gave him a small wave before continuing with whatever she was working on.

"Where's Tony?" he asked, aiming the question more towards Gibbs.

"Still at the safe house."


"Because he's being stupid," Ziva snapped.

Well, that was certainly one way of looking at it.

"Are we... doing anything about the Dragon? Or are we going to let Tony...?"

"Die? Well, it seems to be what he wants."

McGee winced. They must've argued after he and Gibbs left. No suprise there.

"I'm sure he can handle it. He's handled worse."

Ziva rolled her eyes.

"Gibbs wouldn't have left if he thought you guys couldn't handle it. And he would've been back there already if he thought Tony couldn't handle it by himself."

Ziva's eyes flickered over to Gibbs, driving a crack in her calm façade.

Gibbs offered a small nod of confirmation.

"See? Tony will be fine. Promise."


Have to go study a little bit more before my exam.

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