King and Queen

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"Boss," McGee said, waving Gibbs over. He pulled up the image Abby had edited for him, the one with the Dragon's reflection.

"That's our guy?" Gibbs asked.

"I think so."

"Run it." Gibbs started to walk away but then stopped and turned back.

McGee raised an eyebrow.

"Send a copy of that picture and whatever hit you get to Tony and Ziva."

"I thought they were staying out of this?"

"I thought so too."

What was that supposed to mean? 

"Aren't they still at your house?"


"Then where...?"

"I don't know, McGee." Gibbs's tone was sharp enough to cut diamonds, and McGee let the matter drop.

At least out loud.

He opened another program and set about running a trace on Tony and Ziva's phones. He wasn't surprised when it came up empty. No doubt they turned them off, or ditched them, or both.

McGee leaned back in his seat, a weird feeling in his chest.

This wasn't the first time he had run a trace on one of his partners, but this felt different. This felt more like something he did as part of his job. It felt like tracking down... bad guys.

Except Tony and Ziva would be harder to find than bad guys, because Tony and Ziva knew where people like McGee would be looking. They knew how to work the system in a way that most bad guys didn't.

He was scared for them.


Tony's phone dinged, and he started to reach for it but Ziva stopped him.

"You're driving. Let me," she said, grinning.

"Keep your hands to yourself, Miss David."

"I'm just trying to be helpful."

"Well... Don't."

"Fine. But you're not allowed to get the phone either. Both hands on the wheel."

He rolled his eyes at her and continued to rest his left arm against the window.

The phone dinged again, and Ziva was fishing it out of his pocket before he could stop her.

"Don't throw it out the window," he said.

"I'm not going to. I already disabled the GPS. I don't need to toss it out a window." She expertly typed in his password (he made a mental note to change it) and scrolled through his messages. "McGee sent us a picture of the Dragon."

"Really? They got a picture of him?"

"A reflection."

"Ah. Show me."

"You're driving."

He reached over and grabbed her wrist, holding it in place so he could glance at the picture.

"If you're going to drive like this, I don't see why you wouldn't let me drive," she complained, freeing herself. "You're just as bad."

"I will never be as bad as you."


"Fine. But I'd had to be totally blind in both eyes, and have fire ants crawling all over my body."

"I'd like to see that, actually."

"Don't get any ideas." He knew she could easily blind him, and he wouldn't put it past her to be able to find a bunch of fire ants.

She was crazy like that.


Update as promised.

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