Another Attack

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The Dragon crept around the cleaning staff's cars, parked behind the last room.

Must be fun to live and work in the same motel. Thank God his mother had been able to afford a real house.

He paused a few rooms down, watching the window.

After what seemed like hours, the light finally turned off.

He waited another half hour before creeping closer with his gear.

It really was a shame he'd have to burn this place to the ground. But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

He stopped under their window and opened his backpack, removing the accelerant and his lucky lighter.

He smiled.


Gibbs blinked awake at the sound of his phone ringing.

He took one look at the number on the screen and swore.

He tossed a paper ball at McGee to wake him up. "Turn on the news," he said as soon as the younger agent picked his head up.

Only then did he answer the call.

The words bounced around in his head, joined by a couple cuss words.

"McGee... We need to go."

McGee gave the TV another wide-eyed glance before grabbing his backpack and just about running for the elevator.


"Body count?"

"Three, at this point. The clerk, and a couple sleeping at the end of the hall," the fire chief said.

"We got names?"

"Not yet." The fire chief turned and pointed to a car sitting in front of the motel. "But this car here? Reported stolen from a parking garage down in DC yesterday. The plates are stolen too."

That just made Gibbs's pulse speed up even more.

He had a reasonable guess as to who that couple was, and he didn't know what he'd do if he was right.

God, he hoped he was wrong.


McGee waited anxiously as a firefighter stepped out of the motel lobby with a clipboard.

"Clerk died from CO2 and smoke inhalation, so records are relatively untouched," the firefighter said, handing the clipboard to McGee.

He thought he was going to throw up when he saw the last signature on the page.

Anthony DiNozzo.

Why did this keep happening?

"McGee, you alright?" Gibbs asked, fibally joining him.

He just wordlessly passed the clipboard to his boss.

Gibbs was silent, not even a single cuss.

McGee spun around and threw up in the bushes.


The Dragon watched from the café across the street.

He did get a kick out of watching the fire team try to put out his creations, although not as big a kick as the one he got from setting the fires.

He grinned as he sipped at his coffee.

Now that those two agents were finally out of the picture, he could really get on with the rest of his plan.


Short! Yay!

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