Fatal Flaw

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Gibbs didn't remember getting out of the pickup truck, he just suddenly was.

He pushed his way through the crowd of stunned tenants, scanning their faces for Tony and Ziva.

His search came up empty, but his stomach couldn't sink any lower.

He'd had his suspicions, and now they were confirmed.

Tony and Ziva were still inside.


McGee felt like throwing up as he watched Gibbs talk to the fire marshal, their gestures getting more and more agitated as they argued about the next step to take.

Tony and Ziva were inside that burning building.

He didn't think he could handle another funeral. Especially not a double funeral for two of his closest friends.

Swallowing, he plunged into the crowd. He had to know for sure that Tony and Ziva were still inside, that they hadn't just gone after the Dragon and forgotten to call in.

"Have you seen Ziva?" he asked the nearest woman.

She wore only a pink bathrobe and slippers, and she held a small boy close as she said, "Not since she knocked on our door and told us to get out. Why?"

McGee didn't know if he should say or not. He didn't want to create panic but he didn't want to lie to these people, Ziva's neighbors, either.

"I... I haven't seen her."

"Oh. Well, when you do, thank her for us. She saved our lives."

That just made him feel worse. Of course Ziva would stay behind to get the others out. Loyalty really was her fatal flaw.


The Dragon watched from behind a firetruck as the first responders swarmed the scene.

This was probably his biggest hit yet.

A little more practice, a little more strategizing, amd he might become famous.

He already had another target in mind.


"Two of my people are in there," Gibbs said angrily. "You need to get them out."

"The building is unstable. If we go in now, I could lose a team. I can't ask them to risk their lives like that," the fire marshal shot back.

"Tell that to my agents. They're only still in there because they made sure everyone else got out safely." Gibbs cursed the man under his breath before turning away.

He needed a new plan.

And fast.


Tears flooded down Abby's cheeks as she watched the plot unfold on the news.

She didn't need to be told that her friends were in there, and she only cried harder when the reporter said, "Two NCIS agents are believed to still be inside the building after making sure all the tenants exited safely."

Why did they have to be heroes?

Why couldn't they have been selfish for once?

Why couldn't they have put themselves first?

Why did it have to be them?


The flames were finally starting to die down, and McGee watched anxiously as the fire marshal seemed to pull his men in.

Maybe they were actually going to go in.

Maybe there was still hope.

He really wanted to have hope, but logic denied him. Tony and Ziva had been in there far too long, and the fire was out of control.

It was more likely that the firefighters were going in for recovery than for rescue.


"The fire marshal agreed to give us a statement. Rob, what can you tell us about this fire?"

The man tucked his helmet under his arm. "It's a dark time for all of us in law enforcement. Tonight we lost two great agents. They will be remembered for their bravery and for their service to our country."

"Is this fire related to the others?"

"At this point we don't have enough information to confirm or deny. However, one thing is for sure: whoever set this fire will be caught, and when they are, he's going to pay dearly."

"I'm sure he will. Thank you, Rob. Now back to Kelly for the weather."


Ohhhhh mannnn.

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