The Firewall

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I'm quite proud of myself for that one. ^^^


"He obviously knows who we are," McGee mused. "So maybe he was still at the crime scene when we showed up at the director's brownstone and got involved with the case?"

Gibbs didn't say anything. Sometimes McGee could talk himself right to a conclusion, and Gibbs didn't want to interrupt his train of thought.

"Which means he saw us, and he has some kind of access that let him identify us." McGee's fingers flew over his keyboard. "Assuming he hacked in, I should be able to find some kind of hole..."

There was a flaw in that thought -any outside attempt to hack their system would be detected and announced almost immediately- but he decided to let McGee figure that out for himself.

"Usually the system spots these kinds of attacks and informs the cyber unit immediately, but..."

Okay, his interest was piqued. Had McGee found something?

"But...?" Gibbs prompted.

"Our personnel files were accessed the day after the brownstone fire. From an outside IP address."

Definitely interesting. "Track it."

"Already one step ahead of you, Boss." McGee was quiet for a few long moments, fixated on his computer screen.

Gibbs got up and went to look over his shoulder.

The trace flew around the map on the screen, bouncing from tower to tower.

He half-wondered if it was ever going to stop.

It did.

But not on the screen. "Sorry, Boss. Can't get a location right now. But I can try again in a bit, see if he's moved. I just need him to turn his laptop on and access the internet."

"Easy." Gibbs returned to his desk and grabbed his phone.


"Press conference, McGee. He'll be watching."

McGee's eyebrows raised minutely. "Good thinking, Boss."

Gibbs made the call.


I know this is super short, and I'm really sorry, but I feel like death and I need to take it easy for a while. I'm hoping whatever this is will blow over quick.

Oh well.

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