Interview With @your_perfection010

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Hello, your_perfection010. Welcome to Interview With Your Favorite Writer. 

🎤Thank you for having me.

⭐Hope you don't mind any of my questions personally....

🎤Not at all

So let's start with the questions,

⭐Do you remember when you started writing on Wattpad?

🎤In October

Do you remember your first book?

🎤Yes of course, it is still my favorite book name walkers boy.

Your books are all dark romance any special reason?

🎤No. I just love the concept how each story start with hate and that hate turns into love. This shows that love can defeat hate.

Your books are spiritual fiction only any special reason?

🎤I love reading spiritual books. It feels like I can feel the characters so I thought maybe if I write spiritual book other can feel how me being a spiritual person feels.

You completed your 2 books recently, both were men dominating, will be their a book by you in future with woman dominating?

🎤No. I just find men dominating very hot.

What were you thinking when you started your first book?

🎤I had a full storyline in my head and wanted to share with the world.

What were you thinking when you created your first character?

🎤I wanted someone who represent me. Like strong yet have some weaknesses.

Will you try some other genre too, or will continue with spiritual?

🎤Continue with spiritual. I find it easy to pursue my thoughts to the readers.

Do you remember a comment or reader that touched your heart?

🎤I love all the comments everyone give me. Love how they always comment how I need to keep updating

What were the maximum number of read on your book?


Let's start with some personal questions,

🌹Your favorite food?


🌹Your favorite colour?


🌹Your favorite character from Wattpad books?


🌹Your favorite author on Wattpad?

🌠Diamond 85858

🌹Your favorite actor?

🌠Don't have one

🌹Your favorite actress?

🌠don't have

🌹Which of your book character describe you in real life?


🌹Silly question, but any bashing messages till now?


🌹Did you had a moment when you taught no that's it, I can't do it anymore? When and why

🌠Yeah when people kept saying how Edward doesn't know about pregnancy. I wanted to tell them but I had to watch for the chapter. He knew yet he did waited for her to tell.

Rapid fire round

🌹What would you prefer more movie/cricket/Daily soap/football?  

Honestly movies. I love movies, call me a kid but I love watching kids movies. Disney movies, love em!  

🌹Write a shot plot on the given keywords. This plot won't be taken by anyone unless and until they take permission from me or you....

Haram Royal Kill Betrayal Hate

A Muslim twenty one years old women is heartbroken. She loved too deeply for someone she shouldn't have. She was betrayed into his loving. He betrayed her and cheated. In the end her fiance cancelled the marriage and she was left alone to mourn. She wanted to move on so she tried forgetting. She wanted happy things in her life but finding out she had to go on a business trip to a country that she has never ever heard of. She needed the money to take care of her mom and younger sister so she took the offer and went. But who would have thought she would be working for a royal family. Also she was given the role to be a secretary of a prince who was soon going to rule the country. After meeting the cocky, rude, egoistic and selfish prince by first sight she hated him. He used harsh words that hurt her but she always masked it away with her smile because after all she was doing it for her family. The prince having his own past has enemies that want to kill him.Would she break the prince and make him in fall in love or would he break her and she falls in love but she is Muslim and he is not. Their relationship would be Haram but would love stop them.Add in hate, royalty, betrayal, killing and love. You get "I hate you, I love you.

🌹What will you do if you got a superpower to teleport anywhere? Where will you go? 

Way back in time because I am curious  

 🌹Last but not the least, would you like to say something to our readers?

🌠Thank you guys for everything!

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