Interview with Crazy_N_Puh

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Hello Crazy_N_Puh , welcome to our interview book.

🎤 thank u ji thank you...

Hope you enjoy our interview,

🎤 hopefully 😂😂😂don't worry I know ur a good interviewer

Let's start with the interview.


When did you start writing on Wattpad?

🎤 2016 I guess on July 5

Do remember your first book?

🎤 Han I do..wrote it in my school days bit never posted.. Precious it is..

Your books are mostly on Manan, any special reason?

🎤Actually I started my book (publishing)  on twinj and swasan.. I never at first knew manan fans exists.. As when I started using cell Kky had already been ended.. Then once just I tried my luck.. N got started.. So here I m.. ❤ though still I do write on other fandom too

Beside Manan is their any other your favorite couples?

🎤 Swasan

Would we see their books too?

🎤yeah I do

Fanfiction, Romance, thriller you showed us all this genres, what will be your next genre?

🎤 Hehe that's on your part to read n my part to let the curiosity be.. 😜😜😜

Did you had that moment when you taught that's it, I can't write anymore? When? Why?

🎤once when I was bashed till no extent n words toba  toba the way they used made me fell I won't hence forth. But my supporters bought me back to never look back again.. Love u peps

Do you remember any special comment or reader that touched your heart?

🎤 every cmmnts r special...

Silly question but any bashing messages till now?

🎤 Many but left caring them

Which of your characters resemble you in real life?

🎤 none 😂😂😂

Let's start with some personal questions,

Your Favorite colour?

🎤 Royal Red n black

Your Favorite food?

🎤 Veg though ..chats 😋

Your Favorite actor?


Your Favorite actress?

🎤 Deepika

Your Favorite book on Wattpad?

🎤 No Cmmnts  👄

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