Dear future me (5 years)

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This is an open letter to my future self in five years.

Dear future self of 2023, today you are reading this and you are either 21 or almost 21 but, wow you are at prime adulthood! If you're reading this you made it! You're graduated now and in collage whether you're still at LCC or already moved onto a university!! I'm so proud of how far you've made it even tho I don't know exactly how far you have made it no matter what I want to say you should be really damn proud of yourself for making it this far. You've endured so much grief, heartbreak, and pain in your teenage years, and now that you're an adult it's a new adventure to take on and to live and love. And I dare you to do just that live, love, learn, explore, and never let a second go by without being thankful for this life you've been given. Now there's a beautiful world  out there go explore it!! You have all your life ahead of you, fall in love, learn new things, travel the world, and live your life to the fullest. You'll never get these years back so make every second count. Make stories that you can one day tell your children. I can't wait for your life that you have ahead of you, you've made it this far now nothing can stop you.

With much ambition for the future~ your 16 year old self- DeLana Jayde

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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