Dear Grandpa Don

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This is an open letter to my grandpa whom I miss dearly each and every day.

Dear Grandpa Don, I just want to tell you that I love you, I miss you daily, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I never got as close as I always wanted to be to you. Even in the short time before you passed away I felt like I became so close to you and that's why even tho I watched you wither away to nothing it still broke my heart into pieces when you died. You became my best friend in that last month I had lost two of my best friends at the time so I leaned in my family the most. I remember two main things about that last month I remember asking you to go hang out with Clayton and if you said no I wasn't going to go you were so much more important to me than some boy, but you let me go and worried about me until I got back to your house, you were sitting there in pain yet you were worrying about me and if I was safe. I also remember laying in the couch in the darkness not sleeping worrying about you, you woke up and talked to me asked me why I was up and what I was watching and what it was about. That was our last conversation, honestly I don't remember it very well but I wouldn't have traded those last few sentences for the world. I remember making you pineapple upside down cake as well, you didn't get to eat it but told me you were sure it was amazing like the first one. I remember that last day that you felt strong enough and said I want to go outside everyone hopped to and got your ass outside that day was a day filled with hope and happiness. That was your last final good day and again I wouldn't have traded that last day for the world. There so many little things I remember about you that make me smile, you always knew how to make everyone smile. You were an amazing man and I believe you touched lived without knowing it weather it be with your humor or just you being you. God I miss those little memories. I miss you so much grandpa and I wish we could've been closer then we were. You were a fighter and fought until the very end, and you have no idea how much I admire that strength I aspire to be as strong as you and grandma were. All I have left are my memories of you I wish I had a truck to drive or a place to go to really feel you, but maybe one day I'll find that place. But until then and until one day when I see you again I will always remember our little memories.

With much grief and love your granddaughter ~ DeLana Jayde

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