Dear ex- best friend

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This is an open letter to my ex-best friend.

Dear Isabella, I just want to say I regret nothing. I am very thankful for the time we had together and the memories we had made. But, I do not regret making the decision to never be friends again, I should have made this decision a long time ago. I should have seen how bad you were for me. The older we got the more terrible you became.

You broke my heart and you started drama when it didn't need to be started. But, you can't help it seeming that your mother is the same damn way. Therefore, I regret nothing. I know you have been through a lot, trust me I know I was going through the same fucking depression, the same killing thoughts but, I kept them to myself to help my best friends. You guys were more important to me than myself.

I dropped everything for you and you did absolutely nothing for me. I would turn myself completely upside down just to get Morgan in town for your birthday. And what did you say? "......thanks" that was when I knew you didn't appreciate me like I did you. So, I am officially done.

You left me when I asked you to be there for me. I was living in Portland watching my grandfather die, when you froze me out for no reason. I guess you got sick of me, I guess being a person you are not was more important than your supposed best friend that would go across the world for you. I guess I wasn't enough. But, that was the last straw I am done with your manipulating ways, your sad eyes and white lies, I'm done.

Your toxicity is no longer allowed in my life. You taught me a very great lesson Isabella TRUST ONLY THE ONES WHO LOVE YOU BACK. So, I would thank you for teaching me about toxic friends, fake friends, manipulating people, and abuse, but I rather just say thanks for the memories but, I regret nothing.

Now I've been told you miss me, well honey that is your own damn fault. I am not the one who left, this time is different because I am also not the one about to crawl back. I hope you treat your other friends with more respect and dignity than you treated me. Have fun with your new friends and your new life, maybe you'll go far maybe you wont I wont know either way.

With no more love for you, your Ex- best friend - DeLana Jayde

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