Dear best friend (pt.2)

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This is an open letter to my best friend Morgan.

Dear Morgan, it all started with a crayon out of a 64 box of Crayola crayons, and now we are inseparable. I could go on with our story in this letter but instead, I'm just going to say thank you. Seriously Morgan thank you for everything, from the littlest of things like calling me to surprising me on my birthday. I seriously love you like the sister I never had, throughout the years of struggles we have stayed together and became stronger together.
Together we can conquer the world, I know some days we don't feel like we can but, we are stronger than we think.

Seven years and counting and you are still here claiming my crazy ass in public and staying beside me in the hard times. For this loyalty, I have to say thank you. I have to say I love you to death. You are my soulmate. I mean hell you'll kill a bitch for me if need be. I know I can always count on you for anything ever. No matter what we do with our lives both of our future plans have each other actively in each other's lives. I have devoted my time, life, and love to you as I would a husband, and that won't change.

You are my world and if anyone or anything were to take you from me my heart would be broken, and my world is crushed. I couldn't stand living in a world without you, you have changed my life for the better. Therefore, I thank you for EVERYTHING you've ever done with me or for me. I thank you for all the little memories we've made so far, and all the ones we are bound to make in the coming years. I love you to death, thank you for being my best friend.

With the most love, your best friend, DeLana Crank

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