Chapter 14 - The Bed Intruder

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Three days. Three fucking days and he still hadn’t heard a peep out of her. Honestly, what did he expect? She had treated him like shit every second during their trip over here and then he had to go and insult her. Of course she wouldn’t want to hang out with him.

The trip was an absolute mess so far. Sure, he had done plenty of sightseeing during the day and even hung out with Teresa a few times but there was only so much he could handle with her. She was best to see in small doses. To top it off, Leo had emailed him letting him know he was coming with Mia for a few days at the end of the week. Apparently, his trip had made Mia nostalgic and all of a sudden everyone was into the idea of having a big fucking reunion. Only problem was he would be flying solo again for it. Great.

He entered his hotel room after a long night out and went to insert the key card into the electrical outlet for the room, when he noticed a card was already in place. Weird. Had he left the spare in there by mistake?

Placing his card back in his wallet, he turned on the lights and stopped dead when he saw Emma sleeping peacefully in his bed. God, she was a sight for sore eyes. Her chocolate silky hair draped in contrast with the white bedding and she looked so damn adorable. He dimmed the lights to not wake her and checked his watch. It was just after midnight. Why did she suddenly take him up on his offer?

Deciding it was best not to overthink it and that he was just wasting precious time, he stripped down to his boxers and quickly got into bed with her. A huge grin crossed his face when he saw she was wearing one of his t-shirts to sleep. It was a surreal image he never expected to see. If he wasn’t as surprised as fuck right now, he could almost let himself believe this was a natural everyday occurrence. As if he were simply coming home to his girl after a night out.

He turned off the lights and carefully scooted up against her, letting his arm wrap around her waist as platonically as possible. She felt so warm and perfect it wasn’t long until he fell into a long and peaceful sleep.

Eight hours later and he was amazed to wake up completely rested in the same exact position with Emma still tucked securely in his arms. Not only that, but their legs were tangled up and her bottom was pressed tightly against him. He sucked in his breath at the sweet sensation and knew he would need to back away from her in a matter of seconds before she woke up and witnessed him in all his morning glory.

She beat him to it when she suddenly shifted in his arms and turned around to face him with sleepy eyes. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

“Hey,” she said looking up at him shyly through those incredible emerald green eyes.

“Hey, yourself,” he said trying to contain his shit-eating grin.

“Are you still mad at me?” she asked softly.

“I was never mad at you, sweetheart.”

“Oh,” she said and left it at that. She lowered her face, presumably to look at their intertwined bodies. Even before then, he was very much aware he was still holding onto her waist and her legs were folded in between his. Even more surprisingly, she didn’t make a move away from him and locked eyes with him instead.

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