Wolf meeting in the woods

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Hello guys thanks for all the people for voting and commenting !! and I noticed that my book was in the  hot list Keep it up guys and ill upload as much as I can :D

IMPORTANT: Next Chapter She Will Find Out About His Secret !!,stay tuned xD


After the dodgeball game me and Cassandra continued to tease ray on about how he got all butt hurt for losing against a girl. All he did was give us the finger and continue to walk ahead of us .

"Come on Ray dont be like that , we're just playing around." We both whined at how he was acting like a big baby.

We kept on bothering him till we reached the pack house. When we got there he left straight to his new room saying that he still had 'things' to do . And Cassandra had to unpack her luggage ,so i just decided to for a run . i walked out back of the house and walked down a small dirt path that lead to

a huge willow tree right next to a litte pond and vibrant water lilies. It was about a fifteen minute walk from the pack house to there and back but i didnt mind.

in the middle of the walk path i heard a few leaves an twigs snap i instantly went into defensive mode . i waited for something to happen but after a while i decided to ignore it , it was probably a deer or something .

finally reaching the huge tree i stoped down to nothing but made sure that nobody was looking first. i shifted and finally stretched out my limbs from not running for so long .

I havent ran in wolf form since my first encounter with Rey. which was about a day ago . The longest i havent ran was nine hours with bein grouchy and harsh.

The feeling of the wind blowing through my fur was a amazing feeling. i ran all the way up sunset peak one of the tallest mountains in our city .

  I came to  a stop when i reached the flat top of the moutain near a nice tree that provided enough shade for probably two wolves. i rested my head against my paws as i layed down and relaxed and waited for the sunset to come.

    When I heard a twig snap I immediately stood up on guard and looked around to see anything out of the ordinary I waited for a while since nothing happened I played back down when all of the sudden I was pounced on I tried shaking them off but he or she was to big .

So I submitted .

   As much as I hated that they eventually got off of me as I sat up I turned around to see the largest wolf I've ever seen , it standing at nearly 8' ft with its fur a nice creamy coffee color an with its intimidating an very visible muscles , but what captured me the most was the wolves eyes they were a eerie but bright grey with a tint of bule in them.

Anyways not trusting this wolf I barred my teeth and growled lowly. Warning him . He just sat there basically studying me in a way for about ten mintues or so.

   Since he wasnt going to do anything i slowly got up and turned around ready to take off. But he growled and moved closer towards me. so i ran behind the tree and quicky grabbed a stash of clothes that i left here the last time and shifted and climbed up the tree butt naked and all the way to the top were there was more leaf  branches that cover me completly.

i quickly changed into my under garments and my basket ball shorts and a tank top.

hearing the other wolf coming right under tree i decided to jump down from the tree it wasnt that high for a werewolf when i landed down. i looked around for the huge but when i turned around i saw man that looked around nineteen with  a beautiful sculpted eight pack and chisled features and those same gorgues eyes which i might add was stark naked.

i blushed so hard that for sure my face was a bright tomato . i turned around with my eyes closed.

"can you please put on some shorts at least or something?" i said.

all i heard was him chuckle.

"how? i dont have any clothes unless you wouldn't mind taking off your shorts then i wouldn't mind" i could all ready see his wink. Ughh... whats wrong with all these guys thinking that girls would fall at there feet somebody explain ! .

"theres shorts next to that tree and i would never give mine" i humphed my back still faceing the other way.

i waited for a short while and asked "Is it safe now?" i heard a yes so i turned around to meet this handsome...muscluar...Wait What? eww no atheila stop thinking that. my wolf on the other was melting inside once she saw 'that guys' wolf.

i opened my eyes to meet some eyes that was very too close to me.

"Woah..a bit to close are you greyie" i said taking a couple steps back from him as possible.

he chuckled and swiped down his short slightly spiked hair around.

"So sweet cheeks why such a pretty girl out here all alone by herself especially the only she-wolf left?" He cocked his head to a side in a mocking manner.

"I dont talk to strangers." With that said I tried walking away but that pesky guy kept getting in my way...

"well then allow me to introduce my self I'm prince antonio of all werewolves at your service and you may be?" He added with a wink. Never in my life would I've ever thiught that i would meet a royal even if being the last she-wolf in the world.

"well im Athiela Amber beta of the Amber pack... an not at your service." I replied with my arms crossed against my chest.

"hmm..fiesty I like that in girl" he winked .

"you know for being a prince your not that good looking" I said sarcastically . He put a hand on his heart like he'd been shot .

"Ouch.. Even that hurt for such a small child how old are you 13?" He said mockingly with a michevois glint in his eyes. why that little!...fudge stick. How could i be that short im 5'9 and proud.

"whatever im leaving now " I turned around and was on my way towards the house when I was suddenly turned aroumd and greeted by a pair of lips. To say I was shocked was an understatement . After I started to kiss back , our lips moved in sync as I wrapped my arms around his neck and him wrapping around waist as we kissed. When we broke the kiss we were met by a furious growl. Making us both snap our heads to the noise....


Dun dun...xD  heylo guys sorry for not updatin in,a longggg timme :(

Anyways QUESTION: who do you think it might be?? Aron or Ray?? xD first one to answer will get a dedication and a shout out the rest will recieve a shout out....May The Odds Ever Be In Your Favor...xD  Guess right!!? What did u think about the prince ?? cocky etc..

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