Chapter 24

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"Nate and I will protect you while you heal Chad." Ichigo declared his hand falling onto his arm. "These guys are dead meat."

Spiritual pressure built up around Ichigo as his glare narrowed and focused on the two monsters in front of him.


For the second time that day there was another large sonic boom of spiritual pressure however this time followed by something that would only end badly for one party. Nate stood in front of Orihime who also had her gaze on the orange haired shinigami who emerged forward from the disappearing dust cloud.

"Tensa Zangetsu."

Nate blinked in surprise, it was the first time he would be seeing Ichigo's Bankai in action but even now he could feel the lingering presence of his hollow within his spiritual pressure.

'That kid sure has a lot of spiritual pressure but even I can feel it... that heavy gritty presence.'

Nate agreed silently with his Zanpakuto as he eyed Yammy and Ulquiorra who were have a conversation with each other.

"Bankai? Is this him, Ulquiorra?"

"Yes. It seems your tantrums have lured them out."

Nate froze at that comment, did he just say- "Orange haired shinigami with a black Bankai and a tan skinned shinigami with black hair. There can be no doubt."

"They are our targets."

Nate felt his stomach drop at that, as Yammy cheered loudly in Spanish; his gaze shifting from Ichigo to himself.

"You saved us the trouble of hunting you!" The Arrancar's eyes fell back on the still form of Ichigo, "I'll start with you first!"

Yammy threw a punch toward Ichigo who blocked it effortlessly with the blade of his Zanpakuto, his dark glare falling onto the giant.

"Are you the one who did that to Chad's arm?" Ichigo's gaze narrowed even more, "Then I'll start with your arm."

Within a flash Ichigo disappeared from sight before there was the sound of a blade cutting through flesh and a loud thud behind Yammy. Nate watched in pure shock, he knew if he tried to jump in he would be more of hinder then a help. A loud cry of pain and rage came from the large Arrancar as he made his move forward to attacked Ichigo once more.

Nate however darted his gaze to Ulquiorra who was also watching the battle in front of him. Like in the manga, he would simply continue to watch the battle and not interfere which was a good thing.

'I wouldn't let your guard down kid, you already noticed that things are different with this fight.' Kurai interjected.

I know, Kurai but so far most things haven't changed too much meaning the outcome might stay the same.

He heard his spirit let out a sigh before growing silent once more, Nate's gaze narrowed toward Ulquiorra who was still watching the battle.

Suddenly the black haired Arrancar's gaze snapped to his, making him jerk slightly on instinct. Ulquiorra's normally expressionless face held a small smirk which confused Nate greatly.

"Shouldn't you be helping out your friend, shinigami?"

The American's eyes widen as he darted his gaze to Ichigo who had grown still with a hand covering his face and his spiritual pressure going crazy.

"Shit." He cursed as he dashed forward, "Stay back Orihime!"

Clutching his Zanpakuto, he nearly made to Ichigo who was about to be hit with Yammy's foot when a flash of green caught his eye. His head darted to his left to see a bright green cero speeding toward him at an undodgeable rate. Nate threw up his Zanpakuto to block only part of the cero, the rest of the hot beam ripped apart his entire left side.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2018 ⏰

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