Chapter 19

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"Ughh, I don't want to do this." Nate groaned, resting his head on top of Sam's, who just chuckled softly.

"I know you don't, baby but you got to." She reinforced, running her hand through his hair which made him smile.

Giving a heavy sigh, he lifted his head and kissed her forehead, "At least wait until I calm them down to come in. I don't know how they will feel about me vanishing for what seem to be a week only to come back with my Quincy girlfriend."

The Quincy girl gave a chuckle, "Fine fine, I'll wait just don't get your ass kicked too much."

"Thanks for the support." The American shinigami sarcastically remarked turning toward the looming warehouse.

Letting out a final sigh, the boy took the steps forward and walked into the warehouse where he saw the group of Visored before him. All eyes fell on him as he stepped into the room while making his presence noticeable.

"Uhh hey guys." Nate choked out weakly, while slightly laughing nervously.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in." The ever so prominent Shinji declared, getting to his feet and heading toward him, "Where you been, kid?"

The boy gave another nervous laugh as he turned his gaze away, " Umm well-"

The American was cut off as a small flip flop suddenly struck him across the face.

"Well there he is! The deserter! You think you could come crawling back here after leaving!" The familiar voice of Hiyori cried from the boy's right.

"The hell Hiyori?! I was just about to tell you what happened!" Nate retorted, grabbing her flip flop and throwing it back at the blonde girl who caught it with ease.

"Like we care where you were. You are a deserter, a traitor and-" her screams were quickly muffled by Kensei who promptly stuff her own sandel in her mouth before turning toward the surprised American boy.

"Answer the question kid. Where were you?" The silver haired Visored questioned, making his way over to the shocked boy as well.

As Nate went to answer him, yet another distraction interrupted the impromptu interrogation. All gazes turned toward the door of the warehouse where they watched the ombré haired girl just walk in with a small bundle in her arms.

"Nate look I found a kitten, you think I can..." The girl grew silent as she noticed all the attention on her.

"Umm hi."

The group looked back at Nate, completely thrown off by the sudden woman who just walked in.

"A girl... you left us for a girl?" The blonde haired Visored questioned as he made his way over the American woman.

"After all the things we did for you, she is the reason you left us?" Shinji continued as he circled Sam who just eyed the blonde weirdly.

" I mean don't get me wrong she is pretty hot and I mean she's not my type but-"

"Ok! What the hell are you doing? What were you a vulture in another life? Quit circling me!" Sam snapped at him, which made the Visored and the cat in her arms jump at her sudden tone.

A snicker came from the blonde female Visored at the comment before another spoke up.

"She has spunk, I like her." The black haired girl said as she made her way over to the rest of the group.

"She indeed has very lovely hair as well." The long haired blonde man stated making the Quincy flashing him a small smile.

"Uhh thanks."

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