Chapter 5

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As night fell, the two strangers looked back on the facts they had found out about themselves. One was a shinigami who was now in the hands of the exiled Visoreds ready to become stronger and take on Aizen in the other was a Quincy that sat alone in the shop of a humble, candy shop owner and waiting to meet her mentor the following day. The two pondered over the facts as they both come to realize that they were both stuck there and in their minds, they were completely alone.



Sam jolted up from her sleep, dazed and confused by the sudden scream that echoed through the entire shop. The scream was suddenly cut off and the voice of Tessai took its place, "BOSS, MR. KUROSAKI IS AWAKE!"

'Kurosaki...Ichigo is here?' The young woman thought as she slowly crawled out of the futon and over to the door. She heard muffled shuffling and the sound of conversation which seemed to be coming from the neighboring fact that Ichigo was there made it clear to Sam that tonight must of been when he went up to against Renji and in the process lost his powers. Sam frowned at the fact that she had completely forgotten what happened but was curious so she decided to eavesdrop on the conversation.

Quickly pushing the door open, she made her way into the slightly lit hall on her hands and knees worried if she walked over she might make more noise then she wanted. She peered to her left and saw the screen door was slightly open which was flooding that area with ligh. This gave Sam the advance to make her way closer to the midnight plot development. As she drew near, she over heard the familiar voice of Kisuke, who was giving Ichigo a lecture on the produces to save Rukia.

"We have plenty of time."

"Can I really get stronger in ten days?" Ichigo questioned slightly hesitant as he looked to the ground, not noticing the ombre haired girl peeking her head in from hallway.

"Of course, if you wish to save Miss Kuchiki with your whole heart then you have at your disposal a power stronger than iron." The candy shop owner paused as he took note of the linger spiritual pressure of his guest outside of the room before continuing, "But if your resolve is half- hearted forget it. For the next ten days, I'm going to put you through the wringer."

Sam saw the orange haired boy give a sigh before rubbing the back of his head, "Well, if I don't do this, there is nobody else who can, right?"

Before Kisuke could reply to that question Ichigo turned his gaze to him determination in his eyes, "All right let's do it!"

A smirk grew on the shop owner's face before he opened his fan and glanced over his shoulder making eye contact with the foreigner, "You know Ms. Nicolo, it is very rude to eavesdrop."

The young woman's face flushed red as she gave a sheepish smile and saw the now surprised strawberry haired boy turn his gaze to her.

"What?!- Who the hell are you?!" The teenager screamed in shock as he pointed at the young woman.

Sam dropped her smile before fixing a glare on to Ichigo, who reeled back from the sudden dark expression.

"I'm the girl you woke up with all your screaming, you idiot."

"Hey! Who are you calling an idiot?! I'm not the one who creeps in on other people's conversations!" Ichigo retorted at her, completely shocked by the girl's comment.

"At least I have the decency to not wake people up by screaming, oh and wear a shirt." Sam pointed out making the 15 year old boy flush completely red and yanked the blanket up over his bandage chest.

Kisuke watched from his spot between the two as they both just held a glare with each out, it seemed these two would get along great.

"Well...Aren't you two cute." The candy shop owner smugly commented, making both sets of eyes fall upon him.

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