Chapter 2

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Back at Urahara's shop, the young American girl who gave her name as Samantha Nicolo, just nervously sat across from the sly shop owner.

"So, Miss Nicolo you say you were just leaving work when a black hole opened up beneath you and dropped you here in my shop...Now, thats hard to believe." Urahara repeated holding his fan in front of his face.

Sam nodded and glanced down, "I know it's hard to believe Mr. Urahara but it's true."

"Please call me Kisuke or Urahara, Mr. Urahara is too formal." The shop owner laughing lightly waving his fan toward the young woman.

"Ok...but please believe me, I just want to get home." The young woman pleaded, knowing either this was a really intense dream with her favorite character from Bleach or this really had to be happening.

"Dont worry, I just said it was hard to believe. I didn't say I didn't believe you." Kisuke explained his voice growing serious from the laid back tone he just had.

Sam perked up at his response but felt uneasy around him still, she had a feeling he would figure out she was lying eventually. As she opened her mouth to respond, the screen door to their left opened reveling a young redheaded boy, "Bull shit, I bet this girl is lying, Boss."

Sam recognized the boy right away and was surprised by his random outburst.

"Jinta, you can't just burst into a conversation like that. It's rude." A timid voice spoke up from behind the red haired boy.

A small dark haired girl poked her head out from behind the annoyed redhead, who was still giving a glare at Sam before he turned to her.

"I'm being rude?! You are rude, Ururu!" Jinta cried turning to the girl and starting to rub his fisits against the timid girl's head. Ururu cried out loudly, not fighting back against the young boy's tantrum.

"Now, now you two knock it off. Miss Nicolo is a guest here and your behavior toward her, Jinita is just uncalled for." Kisuke sternly said to the two children who both stopped in their ways. "Apologize to her, Jinta."

The red haired boy frowned shyly, as he looked away, his face reflecting the red in his hair. Sam watched the boy briefly and then glanced toward Kisuke, "Please there is no reason for him to say sorry. I understand my story is hard to believe."

Kisuke glanced at the American girl surprised at her rejection of an apology, before smiling slightly. "Very well, you are off the hook this time, Jinta. Now go get the shop open and Tessai!"

"Yes boss?" A deep voice from behind Sam responded, making her jump and glance back at the very tall man sporting an apron and an interesting braided hairdo.

"Can you make tea for Miss Nicolo and I, while we discuss her arrangements." Kisuke responded waving his fan between the two of them.

Sam turned her gaze back to the laid back man whose gaze met hers.

"You and I have a lot to discuss, Miss Nicolo."


The start of a similar situation was happening back with the Visored and the second unknown stranger to this world.

Nate sat on the couch surround by the characters he admired and thought they were fiction up until twenty minutes ago. Shinji, stood in front of the now calm man, who was glancing at each member of the exiled shinigami. The American boy swallowed the nervous lump in his throat before speaking up trying to make sure he understood everything that he was told.

"Ok, so you people are what's called shinigami which as like ninjas that fight off monster that eat human souls."

"Yep thats right! They are called hollows and they are mean and scary!" Exclaimed the green haired Visored loudly, who Nate knew as Mashiro.

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