1 :.: Moving In

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{Josh's POV}

Today, I moved into a new place. A small brown house, on the edge of Columbus Ohio. I got out of my Ford Focus and took in a breath of fresh air. All around me was nice houses, and people walking with their dogs, mowing their lands, or gardening. It was as the real estate agent said, 'A pristine neighborhood.'

I opened the trunk and got out a box labeled, 'Music,' and walked up the steps of my new house. I fumbled around in my hoodies' pocket and got the house key. I put it into the lock and turned, an echoey unlock sound proceeded. I opened the squeaky door and put down my box and looked around. "Man this place need a good painting." I said to myself.


After about an hour of unloading my things and another two hours of the moving truck men moving my furniture and drums in, I was worn out. I hooked up my microwave and microwaved a hot pocket. While my hot pocket was cooking I hooked up my tv, blue ray player, and router. The microwave beeped and I got up and got my hot pocket. I plopped down on the couch and scrolled through Netflix for something new to watch. Instead I settled for stranger things.

Half an hour later and bored, I got up and went outside. One house for some reason caught my attention. I inhaled the night air and walked across the road to where the house stood across the way. I stood in front of the house, a little window was opened and I could hear piano playing and soft singing. I was drawn to this mystery persons voice, so soft and scratchy, it held a tender and breakable emotion. I found that I couldn't bring myself to move as I listened to the notes and words, they brought tears to my eyes. That was the first time in ages that I cried, and it wouldn't be the last.

Hey guys. Welcome to my new book.
I hope you stick around because I believe it will be interesting.
Please comment on how I could improve.
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