The Past Never Left

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I'm the happiest person in the entire world!! My crush loves me back; Tells me about his feelings; Kisses me. Should I cry? Laugh? What should I do? My heart doesn't want to chill out. The blood in my veins rush and my heart starts beating at the rate of one mile per minute. The excitement is way too much for mu tiny heart to bear.
After the kiss we start talking again. We talk about our happy and sad moments in life. It was like I now know him so much better than I did a couple of hours ago. We talk and talk for hours. When it was almost midnight, I get a phone call from my mother asking me to come back home. I ask if I could stay longer but she refuses saying that I have school the next day.
He offers to drop me home. And, duhh... I say yes. So we keep on talking on the way home too. Never knew a boy would like to talk so much. But I loved it. So he drops me to my front door and before leaving gives me a kiss again.
Little did I know that my mom was watching me.
*inside my home*
Mom: Who was that guy?
Me: The one who dropped me? Oh... uhh.... he's my best friend.
Mom: Best friend huh? So that's why he kissed you?
Me: Y- you saw that?
Mom: I did. Now. The truth?
Me: He was a new guy in class. We became great friends and today he told me that he loves me. I felt the same. After all he was the only one who supported me through my hard times--
*Oops, let out too much*
Mom: Hard time you say? What hard time?
Me: Uhh.... mom...
Mom: Hard time overcoming your breakup?
Me: Wait... h-how did you kn-know?
Mom(in a sarcastic tone): I am your mother, dear. I know everything.
Me: Mom, please!
Mom: Remember I called you today, talking about the friend- or should I say ex boyfriend you brought to our place.
Me: Ye- yeah.
Mom: So, he was my new patient today.
*My mom is a doctor*
Me: Patient? Why? What happened to him?
Mom: Let's go sit down, shall we?
Me: Mom! You're scaring me.
Mom: Let's just go in first.
Me: Okay.
*We go to the living room and sit down*
Mom: He has some kind of problem related to his heart. It's a kind of disease that we haven't found a cure to yet. All the doctors that treated him in the past have tried their best, but there's no success.
Me: You're joking right, mom? Please tell me this is a lie.
Mom: I'm sorry dear...
Me: No! NOO!! This can't be happening! This just can't--

Once again I can't speak. My voice gets stuck in my throat. The whole world around me starts to spin. My eyes get blurry as they start filling up with tears. I fall off the couch. My body gives up on it's strength. In no time, I find myself lying on the ground, crying. My eyes, my heart, my whole body is filled with pain.
        Guilt. Sorrow. Darkness. Misery. All these emotions take over me. I can't help but remember all our happy times. The memories of me and him start overcoming all my senses. The only thing I can think about is that it's all gone. It will never come back. It will never recreate itself. It's never going to bring joy again. All those memories will only bring back pain and sorrow now. The feeling of guilt and regret will always be with me. Because I know now that he will die. After all my past had never left me.

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