A New Start

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My phone rings. WHY!? Why at this time? Why when he's about tell me his feelings for me.

Crush: Umm.... uh.... you can take it... :/
Me: I'm really sorry.
Crush: No, no, don't worry; it's ok.
Me: Sorry....
*I pick up my phone*
Me: Hello!
Mom: Uh.. hey, sweetie. So sorry to disturb you, but this is really important.
Me: What is it mom!?
Mom: Umm.... so you remember that guy you brought home last month saying he was your friend?

WHAAATT!? So my mom calls me in the middle of my conversation with my crush. When he's just starting to tell me about his feelings. And guess what's worse? She called me to talk to me about my ex.
       YEAH! MY EX! The same guy who woke me up from my sleep early in the morning to tell me that he cheated on me. The same guy who broke my heart after a whole year of being together. And now she interrupts me during a serious talk with a person that I like. A person who actually cares about me. A person might tell me that he loves me.

Me: Mom please I don't want to talk about him.
Mom: But sweetie, please listen-
Me: No, mom. You listen. I really don't want to talk about him. Not now, not ever. And if it's REALLY important then we'll talk about it when I come home. Please mom. Just not now.
Mom: Ok, honey. Sorry for disturbing.
Me: Bye, mom.
Mom: Bye.
*I put my phone back in my bag*
Me: I'm so so sorry.
Crush: No, it's ok. Is there a problem? You sounded upset while talking.
Me: No, no. It's nothing for you to worry about.
Crush: Of course it is! Anything that troubles you, troubles me as well.
Me: But--
Crush: No buts. Now tell me what's wrong.
Me: It's nothing, I promise.
Crush: Do you not trust me?
Me: I do. But really it's noth--
Crush: I love you.
Me: Please don't worr--   Wait. WHAT!?
Crush: I've been wanting to say this.....

I was stunned. Yeah I know he was going to say it before my mom called but this was so sudden. He said it. HE ACTUALLY SAID IT! Ahh... how I've been longing to hear this. Those three words just repeat over and over again in my head.
       I look around the room. His mom had gone to the kitchen to wash dishes. Then, I look at him again and I see his lips moving. He's saying something else but I can't hear it. The only sound I can hear is my own heartbeat. I can hear it pounding against my chest. I see him wave his hand in front of my face which brings me back from my thoughts.

Crush: HEY!? Can you hear me?
Me: Huh?.... oh, uh.... yeah.
Crush: So? What do you say?
Me: Sorry?
Crush: I just asked you something....
Me: Oh... umm... I guess I zoned out. Sorry.
Crush: Haha... thought so. Anyways, I asked if you were mad or not?
Me: Mad? No! Why would I be?
Crush: So... um... can we still be friends or s-something more?
Me: Something more? Like what?
Crush: Would you- umm.... would you like to be my g-gir-girlfriend?

BEST. DAY. OF. MY. LIFE!!!! Me being his girlfriend? Yes! Yes!! Yaaasss!!!! I was internally screaming and crying. I wanted to hug him. Hug? I wanted to kiss him. But I kept my calm.

Me: I need to think about it..... Well, I don't think I want to be in a relationship yet.
Crush: Oh.... umm... okay....

Of course I was just playing with him. Why would I not want that!? That's stupid. I could see the tension build up within him. His face turned red.

Me: You actually didn't believe me did you?
Crush: Huh?
Me: I'm just kidding. Of course I'd be your girlfriend.
Crush: REALLY?
Me: I'd be stupid if I denied. I-I love you too<3.
Crush: Y- you do?
Me: I do. Since the first time you hugged me. I fell for you when you listened to my pain and comforted me when I was upset, and no one else cared-
*he pulls me to him without letting me finish my sentence*
Me: Wh- what are you doing?
Crush: You love me right?
Me: Yeah...
Crush: Ok then.
*He kisses me*

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