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I feel tears roll down my cheeks, one after another leaving a painful sting on my face. I turn to leave when-

Him: Wait!
(I slowly turn)
Him: This is what I wanted to tell you. I'm sor-
Me: Stop. Why? What did I do wrong? Am I not--
Him: It's not you. It's me. I'm just not happy enough.
Me: Not happy enough? But-- *sigh* You know what? Just forget it.
* I storm off without letting him say anything*

I was heartbroken. After a whole year together.... how could he do this to me? What did he mean by he isn't happy? Was I not treating him right? Was I not a good girlfriend? So many questions left unanswered.
            I spent my days crying at home. In school I isolated myself. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I wanted to be alone.
          Weeks passed by with me sitting all alone. Then one day, a new guy approached me during lunch. He asked me if he could sit beside me.

New Guy: Hey! Umm... Is anyone sitting here?
*I shake my head no*
New Guy: Is it ok for me to sit here then?
Me (in a soft voice): Sure...

We just sit there awkwardly. I take out my earphones so I won't have to talk to him, when suddenly...

New Guy: Are you okay? You look kind of disturbed. If it's because of me, then I'm sorry. I'll leave.

I was speechless. This is what I wanted right? I wanted to be alone. I didn't want this guy to sit with me. But, no! My stupid heart makes me say...

Me: No, please sit.
New Guy: Umm.. you sure?
Me: Yeah.
New Guy: So...uh...can we be friends?

Me (in my brain): No! Leave me alone! I don't want to be friends with you or anyone. Can't you see that!?

Me(to him): Sure!:)
New Guy: So now that we're friends, tell me what's bothering you.

Me (thinking): What is up with this guy? We literally just met and he's trying to flirt. GODDD!!    Whatever happens I'm not going to tell him. Don't tell him. Don't tell him. Don't-

Me (to him): My boyfriend dumped me. We were together for a whole year! He was with this other girl in the park and--
*tears start rolling down my cheeks and I can't complete my sentence*

Then, the most unexpected thing happens. He hugs me. HE HUGS ME!? He actually does. And guess what? I hug him back.   STUPID! STUPID!! STUPID!!!

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