Serving the scouts

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I regain consciousness.
I hear voices talking all around me.
I keep my eyes closed and my breathing level.
The element of surprise is all I got right now.
I try to listen for maybe a hollow space that would signify a doorway.
With these shitty human ears though its difficult.
I'm on a wooden floor.
From all the voices it sounds like I'm in the middle of the room.
My hands are still tied along with the gag in my mouth.
I try my best on echolocating a door.

"Maybe we should kick him a little, I think he's slept long enough."

That's the voice of the guy with a blank face. I hear footsteps coming towards me.

'Shit, it's make or break time.'

I get up as vest as I could and make a break for where I think a door is.
Luckily enough I was right.
I quickly spin so my hands can twist the knob and run out of the door.
Only for my hips to meet a shoulder as the guy who caught me stealing food from them picks me up like I weigh nothing.

'I probably don't weigh anything,'
I think darkly,
'it's been a harsh winter.'

The person carrying me sets me down on my feet in the same place I woke up. Everyone in the room is silent and staring at me.
In front of me is a man with blonde hair and bushy eyebrows sitting in a big chair, next to him was standing the short, blank faced, terrifying man, leaning on the caterpillar eyebrow man's chair.

"Thank you Mike."

The man with bushy eyebrows says to... Mike?
The man who caught me nods and walks away.

'Mike it is then.'

The man with bushy eyebrows leans back in his chair.

"Go ahead Levi, this was your call."


The blank faced guy straightens up.

'Oh, his names Levi, I expected something more gangster, like, "Pitbull" Or "m80"'

"Do you know why your here?"

'Jegus his tone doesn't ever change from that?!'

I nod my head in response to his question.

"Good, that means we won't hurt you. Since you stole from me you'll be working as our maid. You know how to clean right?"

He looks up and down my threadbare clothes and muddy skin.
I slouch a little, slightly self conscious of how I look, I nod again in response to his question.
I remember having to clean the house after my father passed out in a drunken stupor.
He never noticed, but I always felt more comfortable knowing that where ever I was standing or sitting wasn't soaked in alcohol or, if my father pissed himself, urine.

I snap out of my thoughts as Levi starts to speak, "good, you'll be cleaning everything spotless, if I don't think it's good enough you'll clean it again"

Someone comes up behind me and cuts whatever bound my wrists.
I rub my sore wrists and take out the gag.

He leans against the chair again, "anyone you need to contact so they know you'll be serving the scouts?"

'Need to contact? Can't they figure out I'm homeless?...  Then again...'

Images of some townsfolk flashed through my mind.
Some of them looked worse than me and they worked and had houses to live in.
I shake my head no,

"Alright. Go wash your hands and get to work."

He nods at a random person who leads me to where I guess the bathroom is.
I wash my hands and try to clean as far up my arms as I can.
I stare down at my nearly paper white skin.

'I didn't know I was so pale... '

I leave the bedroom and follow the same person as before.
They show me where the cleaning supplies are, a quick tour of the house I'll be cleaning.

'It's gonna take forever to clean this place, it's like a mansion!'

And finally, I was shown my bedroom.

"It's small, but you're not meant to live like a king here, so get used to it."

They leave me alone in this room.

'This is considered small?'

I look around the room.
There was a bed big enough for two people against the left wall with a bedside table next to it.
A window occupied the middle of the wall in front of me.
To the right was a small closet that had a small hanging rack inside of it.
I hesitate before I climb into the bed. I don't want to get it dirty.
I take off all of my clothes, leaving my boxers and scarf.

'That's the best I can do to keep it clean.'

I climb in and fall asleep almost immediately.
The warmth of the thick blankets, the softness of the bed.

'How am I supposed to go back to being homeless after this?'

I never notice the camera in the corner watching me.

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