Entry #9: Blue Bell

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Flowers, flowers everywhere. A field stretches as far as the eye can see, the tall green grass covered in blossoms. Their blue petals poke through the grass, adding more color to the area. When I was younger, I called these flowers "blue bells", because their petals are shaped like tiny little bells. I remember holding my mother's hand and dancing in the fields of soft blue petals. We would return home with bundles of flowers, presenting them to our family and friends. I never found out what the real name for the flowers is, but I don't really care. They will always be known as "blue bells" to me. 

It is night time. The moon glows over the field and stars sparkle in the pitch black sky. The flowers seem to bask in the moonlight, their petals shimmering with an almost eerie glow. Fireflies dart in and out of the grass, landing on some blue bells, or flying off in the direction of the forest. Some of the bugs fly to my left, and hover around a shadowy form. 

The being raises a hand, holding it out for the fireflies to land on. A few of them do, settling comfortably in its palm. The figure looks around before continuing with whatever it was doing. It has the form of a woman, lithe and slender. Her feet are pounding at something on the ground.

I move closer to get a better look. I notice that she has pointed ears and short hair. When she turns her head, I see cold amber eyes that seem to give off their own light. Hm, of course… It's Kaiya again. Her feet are hammering away at the ground. At first, I think that nothing is there, but then I notice that there is a hatch in the ground. A wooden door painted to blend into the environment. It must be locked and she is attempting to get in.

The fireflies seem to ignore this rapid movement, sticking by her no matter what she does. I've never seen the bugs linger around someone in such a fashion. They must have really taken a liking to her.

Kaiya's efforts continue for several minutes. I watch, curious as to what is behind the door. I hear the wood splinter and crack every once and a while. When it does, Kaiya's movements increase. After a while, I hear footsteps in the grass behind me. Kaiya seems oblivious to it, continuing on.

I look up and see the northern demon, appearing the same as the last time I saw him. Shimmering silver hair, icy blue eyes, regal clothing… The moonlight seems to add to his looks, making him appear rather ethereal. His eyes stare straight at Kaiya with an amused expression.

He seems to float across the grass towards the lupine demon. Kaiya eventually senses him and immediately stops her work, standing up straight. She turns towards him, baring her fangs and growling.

"What do you want?" she snarls. The fireflies that were hovering by her moments ago are now gone. I can see them flying away towards the forest. The northern demon must have scared them off.

"A good evening to you too," he remarks, maintaining his amused expression.

Kaiya growls again. "I said, what do you want!?"

The northern demons chuckles, unfazed by her hostility. "What is down there?"

Kaiya stiffens, shooting him a glare. "Down where?" she replies, trying to make it sound as though she has no idea what he is speaking of.

"You know where," he says, his voice sounding a bit angrier.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Why don't you do us both a favor and leave?"

"You didn't answer the question."

"I'm not going to."

Kaiya's stubborn, there's no doubt about that. That just makes it clear that she is hiding something. Something she doesn't want anyone else to know about. Interesting… I wonder what is behind that door?

"Awfully stubborn aren't you, girl?" the northern demon comments, repeating my own thoughts.

Kaiya frowns and crosses her arms. "I have a name you know," she replies.

"I will call you what I wish."

"It's Kaiya. Kai-ya! That's my name."

"Kaiya." His tone sounds as though he is testing it out, as if it is some foreign word from a different language.

"Yes. I'll be nice and call you your name if you call me by mine."

"You wish to know what I call myself?"

"That's what I said."


"Hmph. Well then, Kain, please leave me alone." With that said Kaiya takes off running towards the forest. Her pace is so quick; she vanishes in an instant, leaving Kain by himself, standing amongst the blue bells.

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