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Red didn't know what he was looking at. It just showed a red mask, it had a smile carved into the wood along with it's nose. The eyes was carved straight through the wood. In the middle of the forehead showed a triangle with the letter D underneath it. On the cheeks it showed two different symbols. On the left cheek was a upside down U with the letter O underneath it. On the right cheek it showed a fish like symbol with the letter A underneath it. Then on the chin was just a letter B. All the marks looked like it was painted on the Red mask in white letters.

But the weird thing about this mask was the burnt on symbols around the face. The first symbol was a star, but it was upside down. What did that mean? Red had no idea. The second symbol was an upside down t? Red didn't know that one either. The last one was like an upside down triangle, that had a letter x in the middle of it and the letter V at the bottom of the point.

Red knew those symbols was bad, but he didn't know why. He took another look at the eyes and saw two black pupils moving to the left and to the right and they were moving fast. He held his breath as they turned to the colour green.

He let out his breath when he saw the eyes start to bleed and the mask began to fall away. He let out a scream when he saw Green's face and slowly the skin start to burn and peel away as he screamed in agonizing pain.

Red turned away with tears running down his face and his breathing has picked up like he just ran a marathon. He stopped when he saw the black figure standing there.

"This is what you will do to him. This is your punishment for forgetting me!" It roared in anger.

Red screamed and turned to run only to trip over Green's dead body and he was looking right into his lifeless, dead green eyes. Red continued screaming when he felt some shake him from his shoulder.

"Red!" It screamed.

"Red wake up god dammit!"

Red woke up when he felt someone slap him. He gasped awake and looked around to see that Green was much alive and that he was in a car outside his house. He looked at his mother and saw that she had a worried look on her face.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I just h-had a nightm-mare Oh jeez." Red gasped while running his hand through his hair.

"C'mon sweetheart let's go inside and talk about it." Dani whispered. Red nodded and undid his seatbelt and opened the car door. He walked up to the front door and twisted it open.

Except it wouldn't open. Red started to rattle the door knob and he just couldn't stop.

"God dammit! Just open you stupid door!" Red screamed at it.

"Hey hey hey! Relax Dani is going to unlock the door." Green soothed to Red.

Red stopped and stared at the door feeling like an idiot. Why didn't he think that the door was locked?

"C'mon take a step back and take a calming moment okay?" Green dragged Red to the steps and sat him down.

Green sat beside but stayed silent knowing that when Red was in this state the best thing to do is to stay quiet. And for that Red was grateful for that. Green was the best thing that has ever happened to him, so why was he having nightmares about him? What was the symbols mean? Who was the dark black figure to him? So many questions!

Red turned and hugged Green close to him. He smiled when Green hugged him back and kissed the side of his neck.

"Want to talk about it?"

"Not right now."

"Boys? The door is unlocked." Dani said.

The two males pulled apart and nodded at her while they got up and made there way inside. Dani sat down showing Red that she wanted to talk. Red sighed and sat down while Green said that he was going to bed.

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