Summer ends, School starts

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It has been five days and so far Red did not have another nightmare thankfully. School was starting the next day and Red was nervous.

"Why are you so nervous I mean it's just school." Green asked.

"My coach wants me to pick all the players this year for the sports since I am the best player." Red whined.

"I thought you wanted that?"

"I did until I met you now I just want less time and more time with you."

Green rolled his eyes and kissed Red.

"As sweet as that is you just spent all summer with me, so go in there be your popular self and be awesome!" Green exclaimed.

"Okay fine you win. Again." Red said.

"Of course I do because I am usually always right." Green said as he straddled Red.

Red rolled his eyes. "You are starting to get cocky here. Do I need to knock you down a peg?"

"No you dummie" Green giggled.

Red stood up making Green squeak as he held onto Red. Red moved his hands to Greens thighs and smirked at him.

"Time for bed my little stabber." Red said as he dropped him on the bed.

Green giggled and rolled to face Red. "Don't call me that!" He giggled.

Red rolled his eyes and slipped his shirt off and laid down waiting for Green to get comfortable before he raised and laid the sheets on them.

Green settled down and yawned snuggling into Red's side.

"I can't wait to see everyone again." He whispered.

Red nodded and turned to his side and pulled Green to his chest while yawning. He heard Green giggle and yawn.

"Go to sleep my little stabber."

"I'll freaking stab you if you don't stop calling me that."

"Go to sleep my little cuddle bug."

"That's better." Green nodded and fell asleep.

The Next Morning

Green woke up to a very annoying alarm clock.

"I denfinly didn't miss that alarm clock." He grumbled.

He heard Red laugh as he was already out of bed.

"C'mon time to get up." Red said as he pulled the blanket off of Green.

"Burr it's cold!" He whined.

Green sat up shivering and glared at Red. Red just gave him an innocent smile. Green stood up and went up to Red and hugged him.

"Give me your warmth." He whined.

"Aw is my cuddle bug cold. C'mon get changed into uniform."

"That's another thing I didn't miss either. The stupid ugly uniform."

Red chuckled as he threw on his bag and sat there watching Green.

"What you want a show or something?" Green asked.

"That would be nice." Red said.

Green threw a shirt at Red's face.

"Freaking pervert" He grumbled.

"But you love me." Red sang.

Green finished getting changed and both went to the bathroom, they walked out the front door and got into Daisy's car.

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