Answers and New Coach

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Red sat up gasping for air as he was drenched in sweat. He looked at his alarm clock to see that it was four in the morning. He closed his eyes and decided that he had enough of these nightmares as he got out of bed and went to his desk.

He pulled open his drawer and pulled out his notebook and flipped to an empty page. He reached over and grabbed a pencil and started to draw this mask he has been seeing in his nightmares.

He put down the pencil and stared at it. He slammed it shut and turned to see that Green was still sleeping and stood up and walked over to his laptop. Red turned it on and picked it up and walked to the kitchen with it.

He sat it down and he started to look up what the symbols on the mask meant.

Ok with the pretty symbols first then the brunt on ones.

So the fish like one represents the Alpha, the dominant species they have mates who carry their children and is like a house wife.

The B represents the Beta who has both traits of an Alpha and an Omega.

The upside down u represents the Omega, who is the submissive species. They are usually mated with the Alpha's sometimes Beta's and they have a different control over the Alpha's.

Then the D represents the Delta's who is the most powerful of them all.

Huh that's new he better write this down. Why is this so important that it gives him nightmares?

Red shook his head and started to look up the brunt on symbols. Now this is going to be tricky. Since they are brunt on maybe they mean something evil?

As he looked it up he looked up feeling someone watching him. He spun around and didn't see anyone. He shrugged it off and went back to his research.

The upside star represents the Goat Demon? What? Red shook his head and wrote it down.

The upside down t is actually an upside down cross that is suppose to mock the christen and catholic religion.

The upside down Triangle and V underneath is called the Sigil of Lucifer. It conjures up demons so you can create a bond with them!?

Red shivered and looked around once again feeling eyes on him. He didn't see anyone and shut down his laptop seeing that it was five in the morning he walked back up the stairs and into his room.

He saw that Green has shoved the blankets off of him and saw shivering and curled up into a ball. Red walked over to his closet and pulled out a clean quilt and laid it over Green as he slipped onto the bed and pulled Green into him.

Green sighed and clung onto Red and snuggled into him. Red smiled and he knew he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. Red looked at the clock and saw that it was only five minutes after five and groaned. This was going to be a long hour.

About forty-five minutes later he felt Green start to wake up. As Green yawned, Red debated if he should tell Green about this mask and the symbols on it. But Green liked a mystery and would help him look into it.

Red decided that he would tell Green about it after his meeting with his coach and seeing if his mom was ok.

"Morning cuddle bug." Red cooed.

Green groaned and mumbled a morning and sat up. Green yawned once again.

"I'll be back I need to go pee." Green grumbled as he climbed over Red to get out of bed.

Red nodded and waited until Green left the room before the grabbed his notebook and looked at his notes.

So this had something to do with conjuring a demon up, making a bond with them, and then what?

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