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"How was school boys?" Dani asked as they walked in the front door.

"Stressful, I have to stay after school tomorrow for football try outs since I am helping the coach with the teams this year." Red informed his mother.

"Already?" Dani asked.

Red nodded and sat down at the kitchen table.

"Was it hard baby brother? School without me?" Daisy asked Green.

"As matter as fact I did pretty well by myself so meh." Green stuck out his tongue at her.

Daisy rolled her eyes and went back to cooking with Dani.

"What are you cooking?" Red asked.

"It's a surprise." Daisy told him.

"How much longer?"

"About an half an hour sweetheart." His mother answered him.

"Ok then Green and I are going upstairs!" Red exclaimed while dragging his boyfriend up the stairs.

As they entered Red's room Red dropped down his bag and flopped down on the bed. Green stood their and shrugged throwing his bag to the side.

"So what was that about?" Green asked.

"Remember how you told me to be more honest about my feelings and everything?"

"Um yes? You want to talk is this what you are trying to tell me?"

Red nodded his head and looked down. How is he going to start this conversation? He never had to deal with this. You would think he would know how since in three months is their one year anniversary since they started dating.

"Honestly I'm feeling a bit stressed out." Red started.

Green sat down beside Red, while Red himself was laying down on the bed.

"Wanna tell me about it?" Green whispered.

Red took a deep breath. "Do you have feelings for Ethan or are you guys just friends?"

"What? I don't have feelings for him. Where is this coming from?" Green questioned.

"I just don't like the way you guys look at each other."

"The way we look at each other?" Green asked in a slow disbelieving voice.

"And the way you guys act around each other, or the way you talk to each other, or the way you defend him."

"Red are you making this up because you don't want him on the team? Because if it is I am disappointed that you had to make excuses and I don't care it's your team not mine or Gold's." Green said starting to get a little upset.

"No! that's not it at all!" Red exclaimed.

"Then what is it! We spend the summer together and now that we are at school and I am starting to hangout with Ethan again you start having problems." Green demanded.

"I don't like him ok? It's just when I thought that he was going to take you away from me I thought that my world was ending right there. I don't want that to happen ever again!" Red exclaimed sitting up and cupping Green's face in his hand.

Green looked down. "I'm sorry it's my fault I thought that it would get your attention and it did! But now it's just causing problems."

"Actually I am a bit glad you did it. It made me realize a lot of things." Red smiled.

Green looked up a bit confused. "Huh?"

"Haha oh man are you adorable. It made me realize what a dick I was being, it also made me realize that I love you."

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