Waking up

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Red was running away from something in the woods. He doesn't know what he was running away from but he knew that if it caught him he would die.

As he kept running he stopped when he saw an old cabin in the middle of a long grass field. He ran towards the old cabin without a second thought and stopped when he saw a figure sitting on a porch with a child playing in front of that figure.

Red slowed down to a walk and stopped at the bottom of the steps.

"Excuse me? Do you know where I am?"

Red drew in a gasp when that figure turned around and he saw bright emerald eyes looking down at him.

"Why your home silly." Green giggled.

"Daddy!" A little girl screamed as she ran out from the cabin and straight into his arms. She had red eyes and greyish hair.

Another boy came out of the house but he was different, He had black hair with bright emerald green eyes. He walked down and gave Red a quick hug.

"Hey now I'm feeling a bit left out here." Green said while making his way down the stairs.

Green threw his arms around Red's neck and gave him a deep kiss. When he pulled away he smiled.

"Welcome back home baby." He whispered.

Red was confused and froze when he saw a figure made out of black mist standing behind Green.

"Run Reddy Run." It said in a deep and dark raspy voice.

Without a second thought he turned and ran the other way ignoring the calls behind him. He stopped when he saw a swamp and looked for a way around it. As he looked around he felt something grab onto his foot and pulled him down into the swamp.

Red tried to claw his way up but it wasn't working. Starting to panic as his head was just about to go under the water and weeds. He started to thrash around when he stopped.

"You can run, but you can't hide."

Red eyes flew open to see a white ceiling, he turned his head to see some machines? Now Red was just plain confused. What happened? Where exactly was he? He felt something move by his hand and he looked down to see his boyfriend sleeping.

Red studied his face. He looked like he was at peace with himself. Red smiled and lifted his hand and ran it through the sleeping male's soft fawn colored hair.

Green stirred and woke up. He blinked five times and looked up at him. Jesus he was beautiful and so adorable.

"Red!" Green cried out and hugged him.

Red hissed in pain and he all of a sudden remembered why. Yellow stabbed him in the chest three times. He heard Green gasp and he threw himself off of Red while apologizing.

"No it's okay. How long have I been out?" Red questioned.

"About three days." Green replied while sniffling. "I was so scared."

Red grabbed Green's hand and gave it a squeeze.

"I'm okay. Love you." Red replied in a quiet voice.

Green wiped the tears off his face with the back of his hand. "I love you too." He said in a wet voice.

There was a knock on the door and both males looked and saw a nurse standing there.

"Oh your awake! I will go get the doctor and you friends!" She replied cheerfully while turning and walked down the doorway.

Green giggled and looked back at the boy he loved so much that was laying in the hospital bed.

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