Chapter 10: Changes

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I sat up in my bed, staring into space. I looked at the clock, it said "10:16 AM". Seto was still asleep. I felt like complete shit. My eyes started tearing up, remembering my dream.

One day,

I didn't know what else to do. After about three minutes of staring back at the ceiling, I grabbed my headphones and a banana then headed to Gamers' Hall. I left a note on Seto's desk, just so he would know where I'd be. When I got there, I saw Adam. There was an empty seat next to him, and he was sitting next to a boy with long brown hair, and a pair of glowing green headphones.

"Hi Adam," I said sitting in the seat next to him, plugging in my headphones.

"Hm, oh hi Malia," Adam said waving.

"Hi Malia," the boy said peeking behind Adam.

"Oh and Malia, this is Ty," Adam said gesturing to the male.

"Hello Ty, nice headphones you've got there," I said smiling and pointing to his headphones.

"Why thank you, they're custom made by the way," Ty said winking.

Adam noticed Ty wink at me, and started looking extremely jealous. I laughed and logged onto minecraft.

I went onto Mineplex, and turns out, Jordan was online.

What are the chances,

He invited me to join his party. I gladly accepted it. There were so many people swarming him, I felt kinda bad. I was soon teleported to my signature game: One in the Quiver.

Time for some major pwnage,

My accuracy is on point, and I've never gotten under ten kills in a round. The adrenaline was high, my palms sweating onto the gaming mouse. It was getting down to the wire; Jordan at 18 kills, myself at 17. I ran into Jordan and drew an arrow the fastest I could. Redstone block particles erupted from where his character once stood. There was another player about five blocks to my right. I pulled back my arrow and released it, letting it fly into the player.

My kill count was now at 19. Jordan's was at 19.

I sprinted down to a crowded area and let an arrow fly freely. It missed a target. I ran into the crowd, wildly slashing with my sword. The game finished, teleporting us back to the spawn area. The chat read:

1st Place - PoshSorceress
2nd Place - CaptainSparklez
3rdPlace - Bear

Map - Island Village created by Madness64

Death> You killed CaptainSparklez with Iron Sword

I laughed, and took a screenshot, then tweeted it to Jordan saying, "Jordan get rekt xD" I headed back to the dorms.


It was Monday, last period. The wind blew through the open window, creating a refreshing atmosphere in the crowed gaming room. I was playing some Vanilla Survival on my private server, we have yet to come up with a name, with Angela, Alli, and Jenny. About ten minutes before the last bell, I saw the teacher pick up the phone. Probably another teacher or something. He hung up and stood.

"Swyft! Li!" he said over the crowd talking. Angela and I stared at each other then stood up. We walked over to him.

"The dorms clerk needs to speak to you."

"Alright," we said grabbing our gear. I waved to Alli, Jenny, Jordan, and Seto as we left the room.

"You don't think it's anything BAD?" Angela said worriedly.

"Nah, well at least I hope not." I said as we walked to the dorms building.

"Hello girls," the clerk said to us. She was the same woman who gave us our dorm keys. "Angela Li and Malia Swyft correct?"

"Yep that's us," Angela replied for us.

"Well, you see, there has been a mix up with your dorms." The clerk said cautiously. "Normally we do not pair a boy and a girl in the same dorm and, as you know, both of you have male roommates."

I was really shocked. I was just now starting to get to know Seto better and now this?

"Two other female students have also had male roommates, and they will be your new roommates," she said clicking on her computer.

 Angela seemed pretty sad about it as well. The lady then gave us similar keys. The key I had the same diamond engraving on it (signaling it was on the same floor), but a different number: 222.

"You have approximately three days to move out of your current dorm. I wish you luck later with your new roommates and classes," the lady said waving to us as we silently left the building.

"Can't believe we'll actually have to leave them," Angela said sorrowfully.

"Yeah, same here," I said,"But, you know we adapt or die."

When I got back to my dorm, I felt really sad. Seto was in the shower so I had to wait to tell him. I didn't want to leave now obviously, so I'll be moving out the latest I can. I laid down on my bed, began reading, and put my headphones on.

I didn't realize Seto finished showering until he walked into the room wearing only basketball shorts.

"NOPE," I said jerking my head back so hard my headphones fell off onto my neck. I rushed my hand under my glasses covering both my eyes. There was still a crack between my middle and ring finger.

"OH. UM... HI MALIA," Seto said. I heard him open his drawers, hopefully getting a shirt.

"Okay, you can look now," Seto said.

"Thank god you were at least wearing shorts. I would've been scarred for life," I said with a nervous laugh.

"And I'd probably be trying to find some  way to fix this," Seto said laughing.

"Haha, okay, um, I have to tell you something Seto. It's kind of important," I said holding the new key in my pocket.

"Oh no, is it anything life-changing?" Seto said turning to me in his chair.

"Hopefully not..." I said looking down.

"Okay, you can tell me then," Seto said dragging his chair closer to where I sat on the end of my bed.

I took a deep breath and pulled out the key.

"I am moving out of this dorm," I said tears welding up in my eyes.

Seto gasped with unbelief.

"It didn't have to do anything with you I swear, it's just..." I said "they usually don't have co-ed dorm rooms."

Seto looked really sad. His hazel eyes glassy with tears. Seto sighed.

"I have three days to move out," I said grinning. Seto wiped his eyes with a thumb.

"Then, we will make the most of it," Seto said standing with a large grin.

I smiled back.

"Just not now, I'm pretty tired," Seto said laughing and lying down on his bed.

I chuckled and put my book back in my backpack. Seto walked over to the light switch and flipped it off.

"Good night Malia," Seto said patting my head lightly.

"Good night Seto," I said closing my eyes under my sheets.

Change could be good or bad. It up to us to make it better in the end.

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