Chapter 2: New Beginnings

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We practically ripped open the envelopes, grasping for the papers inside. I skimmed the first letter and read the words, "We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Minecraft University. " At that moment I felt my body let out a high-pitched scream. Angela hugged me, tears flowwing out of her eye sockets.

"We're going to to MCU!" We yelled in unison. We embraced eachother in another hug that lasted for about thirty solid seconds.

"I can't... believe... we're actually going," Angela said chuckling,"I guess I should get going, we should start preparing to leave soon."

"Alright Angela,bye! Love you! Don't die!" I yelled as she walked down the hallway waving goodbye.

I pickd up my phone sending a tweet out to my followers,"Heyy, good news! I got accepted to @MCU ! Can't wait to see everyone else who got accepted! :D"

Le Time Skip (~o_o)~ Because I Can

"Wow," I said, looking up at the huge buildings.

"We're finally here!" Angela exclaimed pumping her fist to mine.

We walked into the building, towards the front desk to get our rooms.

"Hi, welcome to Minecraft University!" The lady at the front desk said,"How may I help you two?"

"We're here to claim our dorms." Angela said.

"May I have your names?"

"Malia Swyft"

The woman handed me a key attatched to a keychain that had 217 and a diamond engraved on it.

"Angela Li"

The woman handed Angela a similar key and key chain.

"I hope you two have a great day." She smiled as we walked out the building.

"You too!" I yelled.

"I totally forgot, we have to compare schedules! Hand me yours."

I handed her my schedule as she gave me her dorm key.

"Aw, we aren't roommates." I groaned. Angela had dorm 220. "At least we're on the same floor."

"We have Filming, Vanilla MC, and Competitive Gaming together."

"At least we have some classes together not like in middle school,"

"Don't remind me of those days, Malia."


We walked to the second floor. Looking at the students passing by as we hauled our suitcases to our rooms.

"215, 216, 217!" I exclaimed. Angela waved goodbye as she went down to her dorm.

I pressed the key into the keyhole, anxious to see if anyone was already in there.

"Hello?" I asked creeping into the room. There was a boy with brown hair and a purple hood.

"Hey," he said. He had a soft voice like my own. "I presume you're my roommate? Malia is it?"

"Yep that's me. Anyways I don't know your name yet. Mind telling me?" I said chuckling.

"My real name is Harvey. But I prefer Seto." Seto said reluctantly.

I settled in by placing my luggage by the second bed.

"Do you have a preference of side of the room? If that makes any sense." I asked pointing to the two beds.

"No you can take which ever. I haven't exactly unpacked yet. Anyways, I'm heading to the gamers' hall. Wanna come with?"

"I'll come in a bit. I need to call my friend. See ya!"


I called Angela as Seto walked out the door.

"Yellow?" Angela answered.

"Hey do you wanna come to the gamers' hall with me? Heard its a huge building with everything a minecrafter needs."

"Sure why the hell not!"

"I'll swing by in a bit. Baiii."

Time to start fresh at this school.

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