Chapter 3: Gamers' Hall

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We headed down to the Gamers' Hall. It's a lot more colorful than I thought. Murals of a world were painted on the walls surrounding the words, "Gamers' Hall" in bright orange letters. Quite a few people were gathered in the building. We carried our headphones and some money.

"Well what do you want to do?" Angela asked.

"We should just play some mini games on The Hive. Just to start out." I answered walking into the building.

"Wow," we said together. There were gamers all over the place. Xboxes and PCs lined the walls with tables in center of the room. We sat at the PCs along the wall next to a small girl who was also playing on The Hive.

"Hello~" I said to the girl waving to her. She smiled and returned her attention to the game.
I plugged in my headphones and launched YouTube to listen to some Approaching Nirvana (A/N I love them <3) I then launched Skype and called Angela even though we were sitting right next to each other.

"You ready?" I asked as I logged in.

"Ready. We should start out with some survival games. Just to get things started."

We started the game and I noticed the girl next to me was standing next to Angela in the game.
Hmm. Let's see how this ends. I thought.

Le Time Skip to Death Match (~o_o)~

I was decked in almost all iron except a golden chest plate (butter boobplate for all you sky and bajancanadian fans out there) I had a stone sword. All that was left was me, the girl next to me, and two other people. The girl was decked in all chain except an iron chest plate. The other two weren't that decked to say the least.
"Death match begins in 3
FIGHT!" The chat read.

The two other people started beating each other as I ran into their fight. I killed the other and the girl killed the remaining guy. Now it was only us left. I convinced her to wait till we both regened to full health. I noticed she had maroon colored particles coming from her body. We began battling. I got a good solid tree hits on her as I bunny-hopped around her. She hit me a few times and shot me with an arrow.
Wow she's got some skills. I thought as I sprinted towards her. We both hit eachother and the game ended.
The chat read, "AlliPlayz8 won on SG-32"
I gasped in unbelief.
I looked over my shoulder and she sighed happily.
"GG." I said as she removed her headphones.
"GG, you nearly killed me to be honest," she chuckled,"One and a half hearts left."
"ARRGH!" I yelled.
She laughed. I loved her laugh. "Anyways, the name's Alli. What's yours?"
"Malia. This is my friend Angela." I said gesturing to Angela.
"Hello, you killed me before death match," Angela said.
"Oops," Alli chuckled,"I guess I'll see you guys around."
"Bai," Angela and I yelled as she exited Gamers' Hall.
"Well I guess we've made a new friend, Angela."
"Yep, hey I'm kinda tired. I know it was only one game but I kinda want to head back to the dorms. Do you mind?"
"Nah not at all. I'll be heading back soon."
"Alright, see ya Malia!"

I stayed for a bit longer and noticed Seto was still playing.

Well, I guess I'll head back now.

This is a bit of a filler chapter. Yeah, at a party and I don't really have anything to do cx

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