Chapter 9: Musical Dreams

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I woke up, feeling a small chill on my neck. I saw that I was sitting on a small wooden stool, just big enough to support myself. I looked around and saw that I was on a bridge, a rather old one I'd say. It was over a magnificent river, nothing like I've ever seen in California, I must be somewhere else. The sun was shining over the bridge, creating an amazing view. Everything around was so... green. One may say this is the perfect example of green. As I looked around, I noticed I wasn't wearing my pajamas. Instead I had a thin, soft red-orange long sleeved shirt on with jeans. I also had a pair of white converse on my feet. Under my stool sat a pamphlet. More specifically, a pamphlet of sheet music. The top read: Phillip Phillips - Home (Cello). At that moment I saw a cello resting to my right on a stand. It seemed so new, yet I felt that it has been on many adventures. I reached for the bow and cello and started playing, simultaneously reading the sheet music. For some reason, this all felt normal to me, although I've never tried playing a cello in my entire life.

"Malia, are we starting practice? Or are you warming up a bit?" I heard a familiar voice ahead of me. I haven't even looked in front of me yet. I saw Jordan's familiar face and smile. He wore a thin, light, denim jacket over a light grey shirt with a pair of jeans. A pair of brown dress shoes were on his feet. Jordan sat at a grand piano, it seemed new as well, but I felt the same feeling as the one with my cello.

How did I miss that grand piano, glinting in the sunlight?

"Oh, um, I'm just warming up a bit," I said twirling the bow around on my finger.

How did I do that? This is the first time I've ever played a cello, and I seem pretty good at it.

"I'm going to start warming up too, are you okay with that?" Jordan said streatching his arms.

"Yeah, go ahead," I stood up, my legs feeling a bit weak. Around me I saw a whole bunch of people, it seemed like a film crew. That's when I saw a man holding a camera, a film camera to be specific.

"Hey Jordan, are we filming this?" I asked, thankfully, Jordan was still stretching.

"Yeah, that's what we're here for in the first place right?"

"Oh, can't seem to remember," I said as Jordan placed the sheet music on the music rack.

Wow, it sounded... beautiful. Nothing like Jordan has ever played while we were at his condo. He played like a professional.

I sat down on my stool, beginning to play along with Jordan. We really were a pair; playing together in perfect synchronicity. We ended up playing the entire song, missing only a few notes.

"Well, I guess that was practice," I said laughing.

"Yep, we really are a pair aren't we?"

"Ha, pretty much."

We practiced a bit more until we played it perfectly, note for note. The producer, Brian, said we should start filming so we wouldn't lose our perfect streak. I got a bit nervous, especially with the camera right in my face. But I just kept playing, as if it were only me and Jordan. We took a break after about half an hour of filming and Jordan and I kept joking around. Jordan started playing a really jazzy piece and I kept on messing with him.

"So, um, this is the E," I said pressing the E key as Jordan stopped for me.


"These ones are the white keys," I said waving my hand over the white keys holding my cello in my left hand, "and these are the black keys," I said waving my hand over the black keys. Jordan started laughing.

"You know the piano used to be one big key, it wasn't until they invented the cracks, that it bacame what it is today," I said looking down at Jordan. He started cracking up. I looked up in front of me and Brian was holding a camera.

"Oh HAHA," I said pointing to the camera. Jordan turned and laughed even more.

"Did you get that part when she's like, 'This is the E," Jordan asked as I sat back down on my stool.

We filmed the final scenes on the bridge and moved locations. I figured out we were in Rockville, Utah. It took a long time to move everything, having to move a grand piano off the bridge. The second location was a flat, grassy ranch. It was all flat and green except for the occasional tree. There was a white fence separating us and a herd of cows. As soon as we settled in and placed the piano where it needs to be, I brought my stool over to the fence. Jordan followed me carrying a camera. I placed the stool down and started playing my cello, only one note, sliding my finger down the string. It sounded like a cow's moo. A cow started looking at me. I smiled.

"Malia's callin' the cows," Jordan said pointing the camera in my direction. I continued to play my cello, attracting the attention of the cows. Then I stood up.

"That's all I've got," I said laughing.

We started filming and the director started blowing dandelion seeds/fluff in my face making me crack up. Afterwards, we got all the shots we needed and decided to pack up for the day. I guess we were going to film the rest tomorrow. Once we got over to our hotel room, I got ready for bed and fell asleep immediately.

I woke up the next morning at 6:30 AM. We traveled to a river, beach near a canyon. I was told to wear this thin, denim-like button-up shirt over a grey graphical t-shirt and a pair of darker jeans. Jordan wore a sand colored button-up shirt buttoned closed with a pair of jeans. We both wore the same shoes from yesterday. It was much cooler near the river, so we had to keep the jokes up in order to distract us from the cold. I kept on twirling my bow on my finger, it soon became a habit of mine to do before playing. We got a lot of solo shots of me and Jordan playing alone. After the final scene to film, the director and producer said,"Annnnd... that's a wrap!" The crew cheered in triumph and I reached over to Jordan to hug him. He gladly accepted me into his arms.

Then I woke up.

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