Chapter 5: First Day pt. 1

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I plopped onto my bed after I came back from helping Simon. I went over to my computer and started editing some videos. About an hour later Seto came back from the Gamers' Hall.

"Hello Seto." I said as he tossed his jacket onto his bed.

"Hey Malia," he said. I noticed him glace over at my monitor.

"You have a YouTube channel?" Seto asked curiously.

"Yep, it's my pride and joy." I said proudly,"What about you? Do you have a YouTube channel?"

"Actually, yeah," Seto answered,"I am SetoSorcerer, hence the nickname."

"Nice, I am PoshSorceress." I said giggling,"To be entirely honest, I knew about your channel before. I was a bit excited when I discovered you were THE Seto."

Seto had a shocked look on his face,"Well now don't go completely fangirl-mode on me now, alright?" he said chuckling.

"I promise I won't go fangirl-mode on you," I said holding out my pinky and thumb. We linked pinkies and I told him to touch thumbs too.

"It's the Korean Pinky Promise," I explained.

"Good to know," Seto said sitting down at his desk, booting up his computer.

I finished editting and started to get ready for bed. I decided to change in the bathroom because, well, I think you know. I sat down in my bed reading a couple chapters of The Fault In Our Stars before saying,

"Good night Seto,"

"Night," Seto said yawning.

Angela's P.O.V. (yes I did that)

I headed back to my dorm after playing some Survival Games with Malia. Before I left for Gamers' Hall, I left my luggage in my dorm, no one was in there yet. When I returned, there was a boy sitting at a desk.

"Hello?" I said nervously,"I presume you're my roomate?"

"Yep, my name's Andrew. Yours?" Andrew asked nervously.

"Angela. Soooo, any interests besides minecraft?"

"Erm... don't judge me for this."

"I'm not one who judges people that quick."

"Alright, I. Like. Kpop." (people don't hate me you can totally skip this part if you wish to do so)

"No. Freaking. Way." I said shocked. I rushed to pull out my phone and showed him a picture of Luhan from exo.

"OH. MAI. GAWDD!" Andrew squealed.

We continued to fangirl together throughout the night.

Time Skip (~o_o)~ to Next Morning

Malia's P.O.V.

"Malia, wake up." I heard Seto saying softly.

I rolled out of my bed nearly rolling onto Seto.

"Shit!" I half-whispered.

Thankfully, I saved myself before rolling him over.

"Well good morning Seto." I said chuckling.

"Morning, there's some cereal in the cabinet."

I quickly made myself a bowl of cereal as Seto got ready for the first day.

"Gosh, I'm so nervous." I said aloud as I quickly ate my cereal.

I placed my bowl and spoon in the sink and ran to our room to get ready. Seto locked himself in the bathroom so I kinda had to change in the bedroom and brush my teeth in the kitchen sink. I wore a teal cardigain over a white t-shirt that had a kawaii dinosaur on it. I also wore a pair of skinny jeans and a pair of grey converse (or as I call them, Harry Potter converse). Right when I finished combing my hair, Seto came out of the bathroom. Looked like he was ready to leave.

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