Chapter Ten: If in Doubt...

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Aragorn had suddenly realised the immense disadvantages of having a father-in-law who could read minds. And was an elven lord. Especially with girls like Elwen wandering around unclaimed. Even if Elwen was /technically/ claimed.

He was also sure that telling Elrond what he'd done was a bad idea. And that if he didn't Legolas would stop looking daggers and start using /actual/ daggers. Somehow that seemed like something to be avoided.

He mumbled something into his shoes. Elrond decided to take that as an admittance to what he already knew and pulled Legolas into another room. Juding by the expression on their faces there conversation seemed to involve Elrond asking some questions Legolas agreeing and looking confused and then suddenly realising what was going on and yelling some questions back at Elrond who disagreed. Then they came back into the room. Legolas looked like he was about to yell again but Elrond cut him off. He didn't say much at all just "Aragorn you did something very wrong. Luckily for you it went very well. But you must stay away from Elwen and Arwen for the next month. You're carrying an illness"

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