Chapter Seven: In Too Deep

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Aragorn was starting to find it in unsurprising for Elwen to be found on her own very unhappy. This case turned out to be on a wall almost exactly where Aragorn had left her. Crying. He came and sat next to her with his arm around her "What's wrong?"

"I'm not alone"

He assumed that was a reassurance after his earlier comment and not the answer to his question. "I'm sure on the whole you're not. But technically at this second you are"

She laughed through the remains of her tears "No I'm not. You're here aren't you"

He laughed as well "Yes I am. Are you still up for a walk?"

She nodded and got up allowing Aragorn to hold her hand again as they walked down towards the river. Aparently she had somehow got herself into a far better mood than ever before. Aparently Elves did get hangovers.

Aragorn had basically given up on trying to find out anything about her and Legolas so they just talked about nothing. Or rather it started of as nothing. It soon turned as with Legolas too being about Mirkwood.

"Have you ever been far South, for a dare or something? Sorry I can't help asking I was just wondering if you Actualy knew what it was like"

She paused for a second "Yes I have been all the way down I even lived there for a short while. It was.... Bad. But not really different. I don't suppose you can understand really"

"Maby not" he didn't want to press it any further he did have some understanding of how upsetting it must be but I couldn't resist asking one question "why did you go there and stay?"

"I sort of had to: Thranduil needed to know how safe it was"

"Why not go himself?"

"He's full Sindar you fool! If you're even a little Sindar you're tolerance for dark magic is far lowered" she sighed and looked away.

"So any none Sindar?"

"No. Only full Avari. There aren't many of those at all so we all had to go. I was the only woman who went" the last bit seemed expesialy upsetting but Aragorn couldn't work out how.

"Women weren't meant to go?"

"None wanted to. I only went because I thought if I did Thranduil would let Legolas and I marry"

"Did he?"

"Yes" she didn't sound as pleased about that as she should have been. It was even more disgusting the way Legolas treated her when she had risked her life to marry him.

She obviously loved him.

"That's my adventures. Now tell me yours" Eakwen interrupted his chain or thought closing the topic

"With the Fellowship?"

"What's that? I meant with the Hobbit"

"Frodo? That would be the Fellowship"

"Then yes. Nobody told me anything about what happened"

Aragorn serpent the rest of the morning giving a very long and self-centred retelling of the events. Somehow he managed to leave out just about any mention of Legolas or Arwen. Elwen didn't seem to get bored and kept asking questions, aparentlly she had been completly on the dark.

Eventualy she did tire though "Aragorn are you ever going to finish this story?"

"Yes. When I get to the end"

"Is there an end? I doubt it. There must be another way to make you be quiet."

Aragorn laughed "If you didn't want to listen to the whole story then why did you-" he was cut off as he suddenly found Elwen kissing him.

And he discovered he didn't want to stop her

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