Not Ready

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three weeks later
Tris's POV::

I look down at the pregnancy test in my hand, staring at the positive result. All the worst thoughts flash through my mind. I'm not ready to be a mother. Tobias isn't ready to be a father. We're still young, too young. We're still new in this relationship. He might leave. I could be a terrible mother.
On the other hand, we could be a family. We could give our child a life we didn't have. I could be a great mom; he could be a wonderful dad.
A knock on the door snaps me out of my thoughts. I stuff it at the bottom if the trash can and out some toilet paper around it. "You okay?" Tobias asks he comes in after I've unlocked the door. I've only gotten off work ten minutes ago and I'm already in a bad mood.
"Yeah, I'm amazing. How was work?" I ask him, walking out if the bathroom. I hold into my stomach as I start to feel nauseous and lay on the bed.
"Same as always," he answers, sitting on the edge and playing with my hair.
"Are you ready for kids?" I blurt out. His brows raise in confusion. "What I mean is, do you want kids?" He clears his throat.
"Maybe in a few years from now. I want to enjoy just me and you until then." I nod, closing my eyes. "I'll make something for dinner after I wake up."

The longer I look at this food the more I feel sick. Tobias has kept giving me concerned looks all day. I take a bite of the peas, forcing them down. "Are you everything is all right?" He asks. I look down so I'm not looking at him.
"No," I say. "You know how I've been tired lately, feeling sick, and other things?"
"Yeah. I tried telling you to go to the doctor, but you refused." I shake my head. He reaches over and takes my hand. "You can talk to be about this."
"I'm pregnant," I whisper just loud enough for him to hear. He falls quiet, going from Tobias to Four in seconds. "I'd be helpful if I could tell how your feeling."
"I don't know how I'm feeling," he says. He let's go of my hand, standing up. "I'm not ready to be a father, Beatrice."
"I'm not ready to be a mom either, but its not like this was planned, Tobias. Aren't we just supposed to figure things out together as we go?" His knuckles turn white as he clenches the chair.
"I don't want to figure this out," he says harshly and stomps off the room. Tears escape my eyes as soon as the door slams shut. My heart pounds in my chest as I rest my hand on my stomach, a silent sob wracking over my body.
I pick up the plates and set them down on the counter for me to clean in a little bit. Laying down on the couch, my body melts into it. Soon enough I'm asleep.

I wake up to a note left on the table. I'll be back. Don't wait up-
Four. Not Tobias, Four. That's who I felt was talking to when he from up from the chair. And I hate to admit that it scares me.
Getting up, I go to the kitchen and clean the dishes from tonight. The amount of self hatred I feel at the moment isn't necessary. I'm mad at myself for something he also caused. At least he didn't expect that I cheated.
The door opens and he comes in, smelling like alcohol but not acting drunk. His expression makes me turn away from him. The sound of his boots on the kitchen tile makes me tense.
"What are we going to do?" He asks. His breaths tells me he did drink.
"What do you mean?"
"Are you keeping it? Are you going to get an abort-"
"Fuck you," I say, shocked and angry he would ask that. "You know damn well I won't get an abortion. How could you even ask that?" Tears brim my eyes.
"Cause we're not ready. I'm not ready-"
"Plenty of fathers aren't ready when their wives or girlfriends get pregnant. But this is your doing too, not just mine. You think I'm happy about this? No, I'm not. I'm upset too, cause I wanted to wait as well, but obviously there was a different plan. So I'm sorry that you got me pregnant, Four," I snap.
I go to the couch and grab my bag. "Where you going?"
"Home, I don't want to be around you right now," I say, walking towards the door and slamming it behind me.

"Chris?" I yell as the door shuts. She comes out of her room dressed in her pajamas. "I-is Will here?" She shakes her head. I allow my tears to fall as I sit on the couch. She sits down next to me, rubbing my back.
"Did you and Four break up?" She asked.
"Might as well have," I force out. I look up to look at her. "I'm pregnant." Her eyed light up with joy as she smiles at the news.
"That's great," she says. Reality hits her. "Oh dear god, what happened? Did toy tell him?" I not, sniffling.
"Yeah, and he's definitely not happy about it. He asked if I was gonna get an abortion," I tell her. Her raise raise in anger.
"Oh hell no, I'll kill him," she says, starting to stand. I yank her back down.
"Please don't do anything. Can we just watch something?" She nods, giving me a small smile.
Tobias's POV::

I shoot up from the couch and run to the door, hoping its Tris. "Cristina. What are you doing here?" I ask. She slaps me hard in the face, getting me off guard and kneeing me in the crouch.
"That way you can't get anyone else pregnant," she says, kneeing me again before walking down the hall.

AN: This was a nice change I think to write in one of these stories. Please comment and share! Please check out my new story, Freaks! Be brave 🔪🔪🔪 -Vaeh

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