Finding Silas

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Angel glanced at the time on her clock, as she drove through the empty streets of the abandoned town.
Her fingers tapped against the steering wheel in a patient rhythm, while her eyes glared at the endless road before her. She rolled her shoulders, as the prickles of pain popped along her shoulder blades.

Angel breathed in deeply, while the uncomfortable feeling of sparking nerves settled in her stomach. The back of her throat burned with unease, but a hard stare remained in her hollow gaze.

Rain pattered against the ceiling of her car, as she glanced at her time again. She nodded her head and tried to sooth the fast beat of her heart.

A loud ring interrupted her thoughts, and her hand quickly shot from the steering wheel to the phone in the cupholder.

"What the hell," she snapped, "you were supposed to call twenty minutes ago."

"What are you talking about," Elena snapped back.

Angel's eyes widened slightly at the unexpected caller. "Oh, Elena. Sorry, I thought you were someone else. What do you want?"

Angel rolled her eyes as she heard Elena's exasperated sigh though the speaker. It's not like Elena called her all the time. The two didn't speak much, but that was probably Angel's own fault.

Angel was a hard character to love. Her mindset was tattered and snarled up, so it was nearly impossible for her to create a deep relationship with anyone in this lifetime.

"Why do you always have to be like this? So secretive and secluded. It's so frustrating."

Angel held in a groan at the familiar lecture. Elena liked to give people her wonderful, virtuous speeches. Elena loved to share her unfathomable amount of wisdom that she had piled up over her long seventeen years of life.

But that was just who Elena was, and she couldn't help herself.

"It's just who I am, sister dearest. Don't you know who you're talking to? The Falls Freak." Angel smirked, as she felt the irritation growing on the other side of the phone. Elena would eventually get so wound up that she would hang up.

Elena winced at the name. Kids had stuck Angel with that name when they where in the third grade. The teachers had wanted to put the twins in separate classes, but Angel refused to let it happen. Angel screamed and screeched how she wouldn't be able to protect Elena. The blonde had fallen to the floor, while clutching Elena's pink shirt with an iron grip. That was when the name started, but as they grew older, Angel became intimidating, and nobody wanted to  talk about her. They were all too scared.

In all honesty, Elena was glad when they were separated in their third grade classes.  Elena was always a bit embarrassed by Angel and her behavior. Elena would never say that aloud, but she didn't need to because Angel knew.

"Don't call yourself that."

Angel huffed as she glanced at the clock again. "What do you want?"

"Angel, I don't always want something, you know."

"Just spit it out, Elena."

"Why do you have to be like this," the brunette demanded.

"Because I can. Now tell me what you want."

"Seriously, Angel?"


Elena huffed. "Where are you?"

Angel pursed her lips. "Is that why you called? That was what this was all about? I left a note."

Elena scowled. "Yeah," she sarcastically replied. "Out to explore the wild, was very helpful."

Angel PetrovaWhere stories live. Discover now