Chapter Four

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"Good morning, Evie" Amanda chirped. I walked towards her desk. Amanda is my assistant at work. I'm the accountant for Rob's business. Worked here for two years and since then he's made me his only accountant. I've got my own office and assistant, that's were Amanda comes in. I only work the weekends and if necessary I will work weekdays. Most of the time I just take work home and do it when I'm back from university and Aaron, Isabella and Jay are asleep.

"Morning, Mandy" I smiled and walked up to her desk. Amanda is only eighteen. She's like a little baby. She has long curly brunette hair that she wears in a high ponytail letting the curls ring down her back. She had on a pale blue blouse with a grey suit and skirt. Very professional might I say.

"You have a meeting at half two with Mr Carlton about this month's income and expenditures" Amanda said. She stood up and handed me a stack of paperwork.

I scanned the titles and nodded along, walking into my office and sitting at my clean white desk, I dropped the stack of paper in front of me on it. Pulling my seat in, I leaned back, crossing my legs and taking a sip out of the can of red bull I had.

Amanda stood in front of my desk holding her phone and read off a list of notes she had taken that I had to do.

I opened the first page in the booklet and skimmed over it. Grabbing a yellow highlighter I bit off the cap and highlighted information that I thought was important and agreeing to what Amanda was saying. Don't think I'm acting rude. She's used to me doing work while she talks. I'm very busy and I don't have time to sit and chat while the stack of paperwork I have to do mount up.

"You have a meeting with Jensen tomorrow at noon. He wants to go over the budget for the Andersen project" I nodded and made a sound of approval.

"Jensen. Noon. Andersen Project. Got it. Next" I muttered and highlighted a sentence.

"Graham called and said he needs last month's budget report for the expansion into Canada copied and sent to him by the end of today" she read off.

"Did he say why he needs it?" I asked still not taking my eyes off the report. I was already four pages in.

"No. He didn't say" she frowned at her phone screen and looked up to me.

"Phone him back and tell him I need to know why he needs it or I will not be sending it up to him" I instructed. She nodded and typed into her phone.

"Mr Carlton also said that you have to move 15% of the money from account 199 to account 54 before noon today. He said that they are making the final arrangements on that project and they have requested a higher payment" she said. She then looked up and waited for my reply.

"15% from account 199 to 54 by noon. Ok. Is that everything?" I looked up to Amanda. She tucked a stand of her hair behind her ear and checked her phone quickly.

"Yes, that's everything" She nodded.

"Ok. Have Henry copy last week's expenditures for accounts 22, 49, 87 and 103 and sent them up" I ordered. She nodded and turned around, leaving and shutting the door behind her. I then continued to skim through and highlight the booklet until that was done, and then move the money from account 199 to 54. I filled out a few more documents and read some more paper work.

A knock on my door broke me out of my work. I had went through two booklets for projects, the past two weeks budget and went through the first forty accounts to double check the money was correct.

I looked up. "Come in" I called. In walked Amanda.

"Sorry to disturb you but someone is outside and he's are refusing to leave" she eyed me worriedly as she spoke. I have no appointments today and no one said they would be stopping by. "Should I call security?" she asked after a second of me sitting in silence.

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