Oh the DRAMA

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I woke up the next morning and went downstairs. Danny was in our kitchen making coffee, he had made two cups. 

“Is one for me?”I asked 

“Yeah, how was Todd’s Girlfriend?”

“Sweet, I like her, Todd said you all will meet her soon.”

“Oh cool.”He said “Its weird Toddy having a girlfriend..”

“I know its like a weird time thing.”

“Yeah.”He said “I don’t even have one.”

‘You need a break, you’ve been on a crazy streak.”


In the silence of the kitchen you could hear a crying noise. So Danny and I did what we always do we went to investigate. In the living room, we found Katie crying to mom. 

“Oh Heyy…”Danny said awkwardly he hasn’t really ever done well around crying girls 

“Honey I am sure Jimmy isn’t cheating on you.”My mom said uncomfortably as she patted Katie’s back and rocked baby Ronnie. 

“Do you guys think Jimmy is cheating on me?”Katie asked looking at us as we started to leave

“Um, I haven’t seen Jimmy..”Danny said “Or talked to him so I wouldn’t know.. Letty?”

“I don’t think he would, but I haven’t heard anything.”I said “We have to go now..”I said as we ran up the stairs 

“What does your gut say?”Danny asked as we heard yelling in Eric’s room. we knocked and all of our older siblings were there.. 

“Hey whats up?”Vinny asked weirdly 

“Not much, Party and we aren’t invited?”Danny asked 

“Nah Jim is having a rough week and we just all decided to talk.”Todd said 

“oh.”Danny said 

“Dan you can come in if ya want.”Joey said 

Danny went in. They shut the door so I went to my room. an hour later Danny came out 

“Well my gut told me she was right but I don’t know, Jim is all weird.Whats your say?”

“I dunno, Jimmy and I aren’t all that close anymore sooo.”

“Charlie can I talk to you?”Jimmy said walking out of Erics

“Yeahh.”I said uncomfortably as we walked to Jimmy’s old room. 

“im not cheating on Katie.”

“Oh, then why are you having a rough week.”

‘My grades fell at school, and dad and I have a deal about grades and living here for free and if i don’t get them up, he’s kicking us out so i’ve been having study sessions with this girl Taylor and well, Katie thinks and then I got a job at taylors family's restaurant..”

“So Katie thinks you’re dating Taylor?”


“Talk to your wife cause thats pretty fucking suspicious to a girl.”

“Char but nothing is happening.”

“By not telling her you are hiding it and thats fucked..”

“I know, But Char its complicated, I mean I don’t want to hurt her and she so emotional and I just figured this is better then not telling her.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2014 ⏰

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