Time will tell...

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Family vacations during winter break are normally entire family trips. But this year my brothers went skiing with my dad and their girlfriends while my mom and I went to Fiji. It was so relaxing. The second we got there we were on the beach. The first 5 days were just well relaxing and than on the 6th day. My mom’s best friend Caroline and her daughter Livvy showed up. It got awkward fairly fast. my mom and Caroline were like telling me to ask Trevor out when we got home. 

“Why?”Livvy asked 

“Well we have always dreamed of our kids marrying each others.” my mom squealed 

“Um don’t I have a say?”I asked 

“Honey, Trevor is sweet and well respectful and not well as crappy as your last boyfriend.”my mom said smiling.

“well this got awkward.”I said looking at Livvy. 

“My brother is pretty cool.”

“Your in on this?”


A few days later we were home and I was back at school. That Zoe girl was such a bitch to me. I ignored her the best I could. we until lunch. I was sitting at a table all by myself because well I am sick of drama. than Zoe and her minions,Jenna and Rose walked over and sat down with me and gave me this whole big thing about how I was scum and ugly and how Andy was never happy with me and that I was fat. It didn’t hurt until Andy walked over and looked at Zoe and said something like “what are you doing with the loser.” I tried to keep my composure but well It was failing. 

They all laughed and than Zoe poured her drink all over me.Than everyone laughed. I should probably mention my brothers aren’t back yet from their ski trip so I have no real friends here. I stood up and walked out. the laughs could be heard all the way down the hallway. I was sitting by my locker crying. not sure why i wouldn’t go somewhere more private but the bathroom has shitty service and I was texting my mom to come get me. she told me to suck it up. 

“Hey you okay?”Trevor asked 

“Not really.”I said about to cry.

“hey they are all just jealous.”

“Of what?”I asked 

“Your life.”

“Whats so special about my life?”

“well for one you are insanely beautiful,two you are super smart from what my mother told me and three you have more manners than any girl in this stupid school.”

“I am not beautiful.”

“Look in a mirror Charlie.”

“This would have never happened at my old school.”

“You haven’t always gone here?”

“No,I went to public school last year,I am not a big fan of the private school bitches.”

“Thats funny neither am I.”


‘yeah,I can honestly say you are the first uber rich girl I have met that didn’t give a shit.”

“I am not Rich,my parents are.”

“See thats exactly what I mean,I have a question.”


‘do you want to get out of here?”

‘You mean skip?”

“Yes.”trevor said grinning. 

“Lets go.”

We left and spent the rest of the day goofing off. It was really fun. Trevor is one of the sweetest guys I have ever met, and it doesn’t help that he is insanely gorgeous.he is 17 so he drives which is a huge plus to me. He drove me home. he even walked me to the door. My dad opened it. I new I was in trouble. Trevor said goodbye and hello to my father and I walked inside. My dad hugged me tightly. Apparently the little battle Zoe created in the lunch room was videoed and well my brothers had flipped. my parents felt awful. I went to my room. No one bothered me for once and well took a nap. I knew that school wasn’t going to get any better and i would always have to deal with some sort of hatred and drama. I really think I am gonna fall for Trevor. Who knows maybe my mom was right... well I guess only time will tell. :)

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