its kind of a sad story...

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So Danny wont talk to anyone in my house. he moved out. its August and Joey is getting ready to go to Harvard. 

“Charlie,i feel so bad that I have to leave with out fixing this.”

“Its okay Joe,I mean hopefully he is smart enough To realize it.”

“I hope so,our family really isn’t the same.”Joey said as he packed his room 

“Its so hard.”I said sitting on his Sofa 

“yeah,I mean you two are insanely close.”

“Wonder if he is gonna to Jim’s and Katies wedding.”

“Who knows.”

“Mom and Dad are gonna kill him if he doesn’t.”


Jimmy Attention Katies in Labor! Baby soon! No jokes peanut Gallery!

“Ready to be Auntie Charlie.”

“Nope,how about you Uncle Joey.”

‘Wonder if I cam gonna be Uncle Oeee,like everyone called me.”

“Hope I am not aunt Lee.”

“haha Logan!‘Joey said laughing 

Joey and I have been a lot closer since the whole blow up with Andy. I am really sad about it though,I mean Danny and I were always close. 

“Wonder if the babe is gonna call Danny annie.”

“Maybe.”I said 

“wonder if he is gonna go.”Joey said 

“probably not.” 

“It hurts Joe.”

“It really does.”Joey said hugging me as my mom walked in 

“So Dad and I are going to the hospital we will call later.”

“kay bye.”

She left. we went downstairs. Where the rest of my siblings were well minus my twin. 

“This is so wrong.”I whispered to Joey as I texted Danny 


me to Danny Okay I know I am a bitch and you hate me,But Danny I would never lie/hurt you! 

Danny Fuck off! 

“Sis you okay?”Todd asked as I started to cry

“No.”I said as Joey hugged me 

“I can’t fix this.”I said crying as Kevin and Eric looked at each other 

“Charlie,you and Dan will fix this.”

“He hates me.”I said crying even Harder 

“He is with a psycho bitch!”Vinny yelled “he only thinks about her.”

“Yeah let he is brainwashed.”Eric said as Danny walked in 

Everyone stood up.

“is mom and Dad here?”He asked 

“No,They are at the hospital with Jimmy.”Vinny said 

“oh,well tell them I stopped by.”Danny said 

“No.”Joey said ‘you either fucking stay or show up another time,we aren’t fucking messengers.”

“Nah,id rather not be around people who hate my girlfriend.”he said looking at me “whatever bye.”He slammed that door. 

“eventually he will learn.”Vinny said 

The next day we all woke up with news that Veronica Jane Roseheart was born.

“aww another girl we can call a boys name.”kevin said as I walked downstairs. 

“Aww look at Ronnie.”Eric said laughing as we all passed the picture around

“Letty I am not the baby anymore!”Max yelled 

“your mommy and Daddy’s baby,but not the familys baby anymore.”

Jimmy and Katie moved in the guest house a few weeks later. 

Kevin,Eric and Jimmy left,So did Vinny. I was so upset. 

“hey let can I have a ride to school?Tyler asked 

“yeah sure.’


I have never ever felt so alone in my house before. I mean Ty and Chase hang out all the time,Logan and Maxie follow. I have no one. the first day of school was awful. 

I walked in trevor was standing with the soccer team. 

“Your bro Quit.”He said 

“wow.”I said as Willow and Danny walked by and ignored me

“Hows the home life?”Trev asked while hugging me 

“Awful,I have never felt so alone.”

“Poor Baby.”He said hugging me 

“but it happens.”

Danny and I had almost every class together.. it was super awkward. I didn’t talk to him,he didn’t talk to me. the day finished and I went home. 

“Hey little one.”My dad said as I walked in 

“hey dad.”

“So how was school.”

“Danny ignored me.”

“That boy.”My dad said 

“I kinda want to go back to public school.”

“No.” “you and Daniel will work this out,eventually.”

I went to my room. I took a nap. I had a dream that Danny and I were back to normal,I woke up crying. I know some people would think I am nuts but he is my best friend and my twin. he has always been there no matter what and now that he is gone, my life is totally out of whack.  but maybe all of this will turn around soon.

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