The Surprise

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I laid there on the hood for awhile. Just being alone and listening to my boys was enough to clear my head. I decided to head home. I climbed off the hood and got in the car. I started the engine and rolled up the windows. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the time. "11:56" I muttered in disbelief. It was only about 9:30 when I left the house. Had I really been out here that long? Curfew was at midnight! I only had four minutes to get home! I was sure that I was never going to make it! The drive back was at least ten minutes!

I put the car in drive and turned around to head home. Stepping on the gas and going way over the legal speed, I was flying down the highway carefully watching for cops and avoiding red lights. I finally made it home and pulled into the drive. "12:00" Exactly midnight. I turned the engine off, ran up the front steps, and into the house. After quietly shutting the front door I searched for Mom. I found her asleep with her book in her lap. Realizing how close I got to being grounded i decided to just call it a night.

I woke up the next morning exhausted. Mornings were not my thing, but I got out of bed anyways.. and then suddenly it hit me.. Colby.. After I blew him off like I did I couldn't help but wonder if he was mad at me. I mean I would be mad. So I just decided I would let him cool off and ask Mom to take me to school instead, or let me borrow the car and take her to work before i went to school. Having only one car was a hassle. I picked up my phone to call C, but then there was a knock at my bedroom door.

I opened the door expecting it be mom "Hey, mom can you.." I blurted before I noticed that instead it was Colby.

"Hey, hurry up and get ready. I want to talk to you before we head off to school" He said all cheery and happy.

"Okay. But I thought you were mad at me for blowing you off last night. I was actually just about to ask mom to take me" I said confused.

"Oh, so that's what that was last night?" He said with a grin. "But no really Lexi I'm not mad at you. I could never be mad at you. Now hurry and get ready"


Colby cut me off. "Go.Go Go! hurry it up!" He said both playfully and with all seriousness.

I hurried and got ready and headed down stairs. I found Colby anxiously waiting on the couch. He gestured to the cushion next to him. I sat down.

"I thought you were in a hurry to get to school" I said suspiciously.

"Well, I was in a hurry, but not to get to school." He scooted closer to me. "Lexi I have something to tell you.."

"Oh no. PLEASE DON'T SAY IT!" I thought to myself as I expected him to say what i had speculated.

"... I uh.. I've been hiding something from you for quite awhile.."

"Listen Colby I.." I blurted quick to cut him off.

"No. Just listen. Okay?" He said dead serious.

"Okay, sure"

"i've been hiding something from you for quite awhile and I think it's time I tell you the truth" He said getting more and more excited as he went on."Well, as you know today is Friday which means your birthday is in just two days."

'Oh, thank god he didn't say what i was expecting" i thought utterly relieved.


"Well, um. Okay I'm just gonna.. well, you see this is part of why I've been acting wierd." "I just kept getting more and more anxious as the days passed and yesterday I had to try so hard not to tell you" He said with that same ear-to-ear grin from yesterday. "Okay here it goes..."

My heart started to race. I could feel that he had something big to tell me.

"I got you front row seats and backstage passes to One Direction" He blurted.

I froze. I couldn't breathe. "Your serious? This isn't some cruel joke?" I said still froze and astonished.

"Alexis I am serious" He said

"OMG! OMG!" I shrieked. I started screaming and jumping up and down.

"OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG!" I kept repeating it over and over.

I sat back down and hugged Colby as tight as I could.

"Woah there babe! Your squeezing the air out of me!" he said laughing.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much!" I said beginning to cry. I let go of him and looked into his big hazel eyes that were so rare in color and beauty. I was so caught up in the moment that I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his.

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