~11~ Punches, Pestering Parents & Plans.

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I woke up to see Mia in my bed next to me and I smiled as I sat up silently.

I read a little and was about to turn my lamp off, when sleep was getting the best of me and pissed off that i was awake at around one p.m when I heard someone shout no.

I listened silently for it but there was nothing.

I was sliding down again beneath the duvet when I heard it again and this time it was followed by sobs.

I stood up quietly and exited my room only to find out it was coming out of Alexa's room.

I rushed in only to find her on her bed stuffing a handkerchief into her mouth as tears streamed down her cheeks.

I turned on her light immediately and she looked up to notice me as the tears shook her terribly.

I didn't know what to do.

It was her first night here and I didn't know what to do.

I couldn't wake up Alex cos he had taken some sleeping drugs earlier on given to him by mum and mum was coming down with a headache herself.

Dad had to run in to work for a crisis or something and just got back an hour ago.

I was on my own with her.

I looked at her and could see all the pain clearly in her eyes and without a moment's thought, I climbed into her bed and soothed her as she cried into my chest.

The tears didn't stop. They only grew worse as a matter of fact.

I hugged her back and kept repeating the words, "you're doing great."

Ten minutes or so later, she had finally calmed down but still hadn't let go of me.

"Are you better now?"

She nodded and wiped her nose.

I stood up to exit the room when she gripped my pajamas and shook her head.

There was raw fear in her eyes and I didn't understand why.

"They died. They're gone." she muttered into my shoulders before bursting into another bout of tears.

"You're here and you're fine. Everyone else is good." I said and rubbed her back.

Before I knew it, she had gone quiet completely.

"Better?" I asked but there was no response and I looked down and saw she had slept off.

I looked at her face and couldn't help but smile at how pretty she was and how similar to her mum she was. At the same time, it was difficult to not weep at her loss.

I wiped her face and gently carried her to my room and made her comfortable on my bed next to Mia.

"Alexa okay?" Mia asked.

"Yes honey now go to bed." I replied and kissed her on the forehead.

When I was sure they were both comfortable, I went to the closet and got myself a spare duvet for myself. I arranged it on the floor and an hour later, I fell asleep.


I woke up at around 10 a.m their time and walked to Alexa's room to see if she was up but her room was empty.

The toilet was empty. She wasn't in the kitchen. And Daniel, Derek and April had no idea where she could be.

I was almost going mad cos I knew she could have gotten fed up and left when Jasper's door unlocked and there on the bed was Alexa.

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