~1~ Meet The Coles

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"Anybody home?" I heard my mum call as she locked the door behind her.

"You have six children mother, I think it's a sure thing that someone is home." Alex replied kissing her on the cheek and walking off with her bag.

My family's big.

Like really big and we're confusing so here's something that may help you out.

I'm Alexa a.k.a Lexie and Alex is my twin brother.

We're the first borns and were born August 17 1996.

Mum named all of us in a way that the first letter in our names correspond with the first letter of our birth month.

Alex is the quiet, sturdy, responsible one who is in love with Mia like everyone else in this family. He is the only male in this family that I can say will for sure follow in Dad's footsteps and go to Harvard.

I have my responsible moments but one can never tell as my character changes with my mood but I'm mostly a happy teenage girl, with a happy family and happy friends. :D

After I and Alex, came flirty April born on April 10 1998. When I say April's boy crazy, it's kinda an understatement but it suits her. She went all out to stand out from the family by being blonde like my grandmother.

I can define April, tell you how full and long her eyelashes are and how perfectly well they frame her purple tinged eyes giving her the sexy look without her trying but all you have to think is stereotyped cheerleader and you've got it.

Moving on, the devilish duo, Daniel and Derek came four years later on December 10 2002 and ever since then our lives have never been the same.

They don't follow any rules. They are so creative it's unreal and they seem to be experiencing the teenage withdrawal syndrome at ten.

Quite annoying really.

I'm being serious here.

They put a snake in mum's toilet ON THE TOILET SEAT when she refused to get them a dog to prove the importance of one and though they swore it was harmless, mum has never been able to use that toilet since then.

And the last but not the least, Mia.

The pampered baby of the house who's so sweet, it hurts.

She has bouncy blonde ringlets that frame her pretty face and she almost took after April in the whole hair colour thing but hers has natural brown roots.

I've made mum swear to me that she didn't actually colour it before bringing Mia home from the hospital on May 26 2006 and I'm assured that it's natural.

She has the bluest of eyes that it's almost silver and when she cries, I almost cry myself.

Anyways just to make sure you've gotten it all down;

Alexa and Alex - 16.

April - 14.

Daniel and Derek - 10.

Mia - 6.

"What can I say? I've got-" Dad started before he was shut off by an indignant Derek, "helloooooo Dad. Too much information?!"

"Right sorry." Dad said with a sheepish smile before struggling with his tie.

"Daniel and April, set the table. Derek warm the food and no, I do not want ANYTHING added to the food or I'll kill you. Mia, go wash your hands. Mum help dad with his tie before he strangles himself and everybody be seated in five minutes. Ok?" I called out.

"How come you and Alex don't get to do anything?" April asked not bothering to look up from her phone.

"We came out first April. It must suck to be you. Get setting before I start chopping."

"Totally wrong." she muttered before walking out, still texting.

"You two sit down." Dad said to Alex and I once his tie was off.

Mum squealed in excitement dropping beside me.

"Everything's ok right?" Alex asked.

"Obviously or she won't be squealing like a fourteen year old who has just been asked out on her first date."

"Listen up. You remember my friend Gabriel?" Dad asked and when we nodded he went on, "he has invited us to cruise with him to Hawaii."

My mum and I started screaming and jumping up while Alex sat grinning with Dad.

It's been Mum's lifelong dream to go to Hawaii and she will.

"So when should we start packing?" April asked from the door finally looking up from her iPhone.

"Yeah that's the catch. He only invited your mum and I. It's a couples only cruise."

"I've got a boyfriend Dad." April said to him looking insulted.

"And I'm not getting into that with you."

"Soooooo you're gonna leave all six of us home. Alone?" Derek asked.

Last time I checked Dad asked for only Alex and I and now everyone was standing at the door like it was the plan.

"If you guys are ok with it."

Derek and Daniel looked at each other before letting out wild whoops.

Derek put his hand on Danny's hips and they started dancing while chanting, "We're gonna be home ALONE."

"I want to come too." Mia whispered from the door and we all fell silent.

Mia's attached to Mum and she just finally started letting go when mum had to resume back at the hospital but it was still clear that she was a mummy's girl

"Now Mia, Alex and Lexie and April and Danny and Derek will be here. You won't even notice I'm gone honey." mum said while Dad lifted her up.

"But I don't want you to gooooooooo!" and she started sobbing.

We all tried to convince her but it was a failure for ten minutes and Dad dropped her and said, "Mia your mum and I love you and so do your sisters and brothers. We are going to Hawaii for a few days whether you like it or not but if you want something when we get back you'll have to be a good girl for Daddy. Are we clear?"

"NO!" she yelled and ran off.

Alex started after her but Dad stopped him, "We're leaving in two days. Is everyone fine with that?"

"Yes Dad." we chorused.

"Good, let's eat." Dad said and he left us at the dining table to get Mia.

He came back three minutes later with Mia wrapped around him as he set her on his laps and fed her.

~Author's Note~

Short, I know. I'm sorry guys but the upcoming ones are longer :D

Anyways thanks for reading on even though the prologue was boring.

Vote and comment and let me know how to make it more interesting?

And of course in the meantime, check out my completed work, Thats Right We Are Teens!!!

xoxo Kay.

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