Let the race began !!!😆😆😆

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Speeee..😏😏😏Let's see who will win the bet BUTERCUP or BUTCH ? HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY !!! 😀😉😄

Bubble prov

Yesterday, Boomie said that Butch and  the new student Buttercup are having a bet. If Butch wins ,Buttercup will have to go on a date with Butch .                     Usualy, i say that is normal because Butch it's a FREAKING play boy , he flirt with every girl he sees. When i first came here , Butch even try to flirt with me AND Blossom , thats make Brick and Boomer  super jelly 😅😅😅                      This time is different Boomer said that Butch is acturally like or even LOVE 💙💙💙 this girl, i was totally shocked when i heard that.YESSS... and if Buttercup like him back, their will gonna be a perfect couple. SPEEE...                                         But Butch will have a lot of competition because when Buttercup went in class , she have a lot of attetion from the boys, they were like hearts in their eyes . Poor Butch, this not gona be easy for him.                                                                          Okay, this morning me and Blossom went to school together like always when we saw a girl with raven hair wearing a green tank top and dark blue skiny jeans . We get near her beacaue she looks familiar, then we finally found that the girl was BUTTERCUP . Me and Blossom smile at eachother and ran toward BC to say hi since where are in the same class and maybe  we can be friends, that would be verry nice.

" Hi Buttercup ! " we say                                                                                                                 "Who are you two ?"she ask                                                                                               ,         " we're your classmate, by the way i'm Bubble " i said it with a cheerfull smile while saking BC hand and she also smile back to me, OMG! Her smile is beautifull i though as i pointed to Blossom " ..and this is Blossom " Blossom smile at her " Nice to met you" " Me too !" " Hey do you want to go to school with us ?"" sure why not" she smile as we went to school together

- later -

Buttercup is so funny , no wonder Butch likes her . If i was Butch i would like Buttercup too.                                                                                                                                     " Good morning Bubbles !!! "                                                                                                       I turn around to see BOOMIE !!! with his brothers Butch and Brick

Butch prov

When Boom say hi to his blondie gf, it hit into my eyes, MY Butterbabe !!!I I ran toward BC and give her a bear hug.                                                                                           " HEY!?LET ME GO!!!" she said while her face is like a tomato                                       "um...let me think .............no~" i smirked                                                                                         Everyone  else were just laughing hard then i whisper to her  "Can't wait for our date ~" " who said that i'm gonna loose asshole !" i smirked  .                             " RACE YA TO THE CLASS !!!" BC shout as she ran as fast as she could to class         " HEY!!YOU CHEATED !!!!" i shouted back and ran after her                                           " HA HA HA HA HA hA HAHA HA .... "                                                                                               " They are soooo perfect for eachother !" though Blossom ,Bubble                                    " We better get to class too if we wan't to be late " said Brick                                       " Okay, let's go !!! "       

- after school - ( sorry guys i tooo lazy  to write it all )  at the skate park                   " GO BC !!!" the girls cheer                                                                                                            "WIN BUTCH !!!" the boys shout                                                                                                

- after school - ( sorry guys i tooo lazy  to write it all )  at the skate park                   " GO BC !!!" the girls cheer                                                                                                            "WIN BUTCH !!...

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"Okay, who can skate over that tree near the bench , tap it and skate back here first is the winner !Got it ?"  Blossom explain the rules                                                     " GOT  IT !!! " we both shout, ready for the race

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"Okay, who can skate over that tree near the bench , tap it and skate back here first is the winner !Got it ?"  Blossom explain the rules                                                     " GOT  IT !!! " we both shout, ready for the race.                                                                     " ON YOUR MARCH !!!"                                                                                                                     " I'm gonna win " though Buttercup .                                                                                       "GET SET !!!!!!"                                                                                                                                         " Here i come buttercup !" though Butch.                                                                                 " GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!"                                                                                                                                        "LET THE RACE BEGAN !!!" 


What do you think who will win .                                                                                                       Find out the next chapter !!! 😋😋😋😋😏😏😘😘😘

No!Please, i love you ...( a butchercup story )Where stories live. Discover now