17 | Flight To Catch

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Leah's POV

Three Weeks Later

As I step off of the sidewalk and into the parking lot, I see a very familiar car sitting in the "Visitor's Only" spot. It's Jennifer's. I look around, but she's no where to be found. I haven't actually spoken to her, despite my countless efforts to reach out and somehow make this okay. I miss her like hell.

I leave the lot and blare some vulgar rap music as I drive home to distract myself.

Once I'm home, I go in the front door and my mom stops me. "Perfect timing. Come here and choose which photo you want for your graduation announcements and the invitations!" She says happily. I smile a little and walk over the table where she has countless photos of me laid out. I point out my favorite ones and she handles it from there. As I start up the stairs, she calls my name again.

"Make sure you get a list of everyone who is getting an announcement and an invitation to the ceremony. I have the family covered, but choose your friends and whatnot, please." She instructs me. I nod my head and go bury myself in bed for the remainder of the day, thinking long and hard about Jennifer.

I swear the stress of this... not having her... has made me gain five pounds in the past two weeks. I hate it. I don't want to go anywhere, do anything... I just want her. And she wants absolutely nothing to do with me. She even went as far as blocking me from her social media sites... it's that bad.

"Here, I have the names and the addresses to match printed beside them." I say as I hand my mom a sheet of paper. She nods and looks over the names quickly. "Who is this?" She asks, pointing to Jennifer's name. "She's an old friend." I say, lying.

Maybe it's a little weird and crazy of me to send Jennifer an invitation to my graduation ceremony, but I wanted to. I need to feel like I'm trying.

"Oh, okay. I'll send these out tomorrow." She says. I nod and go to the kitchen and make myself some dinner.

Ah, graduation. It's coming up quickly and I'm excited to move on to the next chapter of my life, but it's by far one of the most nerve wracking things ever. The stress of planning parties, attending other people's parties, making sure all of the dues are paid... it's a lot to deal with. Especially when it all falls on my shoulders, my mom just helps with the fun stuff... hence her interest in making my invites and announcements.

Since graduation is coming, that also means my college classes with Jennifer's father are coming to a close as well. I'm absolutely mortified that I won't ever see her again.

The Following Week

I walk into the auditorium with wind-blown hair in my face and my heart is about to beat out of my chest. I'm twenty minutes late to class. Rather than taking my normal seat down front, I go for one in the back so I don't disturb everyone. I was only late because of traffic... and I overslept. I'm wearing a pair of sweatpants with my high school's name printed down the right thigh and a hoodie. My face is completely bare and my hair is a disaster. My life is falling apart.

After catching the last bit of class, I stand up and start to walk out. As my hand touches the cold metal door I hear something that makes me freeze right where I'm standing. I turn around and match the voice to a face. Jennifer.

She's standing down in the front with her dad. She looks like she's in a rush to be somewhere judging by her fidgeting and fast-talking. I move out of the way of everyone trying to exit the room and stand there looking down at her. She's so perfect. She's got on boyfriend jeans and an LA Dodgers jersey and she's stunning just like that.

Jennifer glances up and does a double take when she sees me. I frown and awkwardly toss my hand up to wave, only to be ignored by her.

I can't just see her and not say anything. I quickly bolt out of the door and run to the parking lot, searching frantically for her car. I spot it and make my way over, knowing she'll be here at some point.

Sure enough, I see her walking towards me, she's got a not-so-happy look on her face. "Leah, what are you doing?" She mutters, opening her door. "Please... can we get lunch? I need to talk to you." I plead with her. She sighs and tosses her bag into her car, "No, Leah. I asked you to leave me alone. I have a flight to catch. Please don't make this difficult!" She says, getting inside. "But- where are you going?" "Somewhere that isn't here." She responds, being a total smartass. I just look at her and she bites her cheek, "I'm sorry, Leah. I have to go. Be good." She says and puts the car into reverse. I watch her drive away from me like it's the easiest thing she's ever done.

How is she able to do this? She just... pushes it out of her head. She shows no emotion and I think that is what hurts me more than anything. The fact that she is able to just move on with her life so damn easily after this... I love her. She told me she loved me too. Did that mean nothing? Does it really just go away that easily?

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