Death and Tears

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"Desmia!!! Oh my gosh are you ok?" Nate said right after I screamed.

I didn't reply, instead I jumped up from the couch and ran to my room to get my cell phone. Luckily Milo was on speed dial. He answered on the third ring.

"Hey Mia, is everything ok? Why are you calling?"

"Milo, no time! By any chance do you know if you're mom is going to the deli today?"

"Yea I just left the house she said she was gonna stop by and get some steaks for tonight because my Lyla is coming home for the weekend."

"No, no, no, NO!!! Milo you have to call your mom now!! Tell her not to go!!"

"Why? Mia what's wrong?" Milo's voice was filled with panic all of the sudden.

"No time to explain just do it!" with that I hung up and turned around only to come face to face with Nate. At any other time this would have made butterflies in my stomach but at the moment I was on high alert.

"Desmia what's wrong? Why is it so urgent the Milo call his mom and tell her not to go to the deli?"

"No time!! Nate you have to drive us to The Main Street Deli NOW!!!!"

"Ok, ok let's go then!"

As soon as we were in the car I realized I forgot my phone.

"Nate I need to see your phone right now." He handed it to me and I dialed Milo. "Milo have you talked to your mom?"

"No I was about to, Mr. Anderson stopped me in the hallway, Mia what's going on?"

"Milo you have to," but I realized it was too late. I heard a scream and Nate slammed on the brakes. I looked up and watched as the car hit Rosa, as she went flying into the windshield. I dropped Nate's phone and screamed.

I ran up to Rosa. "Rosa!!! No please!! This can't be happening! Not to you!" The paramedics came and announced what I, and all the gathering crowd already knew. Rosa was dead.

They took her off the car and I dropped down to my knees and cried. This was all my fault. If I had gotten here sooner she wouldn't be dead.

"MOM!!!" Milo was running to his mother with tears down his cheeks, trying to get to Rosa but a few police officers held him back. "LET GO OF ME THAT'S MY MOM!!!" He screamed.

I ran over to him to try to make him calm down. "Milo!" I croaked out through the tears. "There's nothing you can do. She's gone."

Milo looked down at me and turned around and threw up. When he was done he sat on the sidewalk and cried. "No, no, not my mom. Why did it have to be my mom?"

I felt like I couldn't move. I just stood there helplessly watching one of the most important people in my life cry. Finally movement seemed to come back to me and I sat down next to him and tried my best to hold him.

Nate walked up to us. "Desmia, the police want to ask you and Milo some questions. I'll be waiting in the car. Milo I think you should come back to Desmia's house with me."

Milo just nodded and we both stood up and made our way over to the police. They asked me what all I had witnessed and assured us that they'd find the person responsible.

Milo stayed silent while I answered questions for him.

"Rosa was a single parent her husband died in the military 3 years ago. Milo is the third and last child in the family."

After a few more questions about contacts and things like that, they let us go. Nate drove both of us back to my house seeing as Milo was in no shape to drive himself.

As soon as we got to the house Nate said he'd call me later and that he was going to head home and to call if he needed me.

I walked in the house and me and Milo sat on the couch. Neither of us said a word for a long time.

Milo was the first to speak. "I'm an orphan Mia. Both my parents are dead." He started to choke up. "What am I gonna do? Lyla is in college and is getting married and moving to Colorado when she finishes. Jeremy has two kids and lives in New Jersey. What am I gonna do? I can't just live with them, we are in Florida. I have to finish school, and I can't be away from you."

He started to cry again. Silent tears slid down my cheeks.

"Lyla is coming home today, in a few hours actually. What am I supposed to tell her? 'Hey sis, great to see you! Sorry it'll just be us, mom just got done smashing a drunk guys windshield with her head and she's dead?!" He was full out sobbing again.

"Shh Milo it'll be ok. I'll tell Lyla, I'll call Jeremy and ask him to tell your family. And don't worry, what about Maddie? You practically live here all the time, why don't you just move in?"


"Of course. Maddie and AJ already call you their son, we have an extra bedroom, you may as well call this your new home. I'll ask your aunt to plan a funeral, her and Jeremy will take care of everything I'm sure, ok?"

"Why did it have to be my mom?"

I choked up at that. "I don't know Milo."

For a good twenty minutes Milo cried on my shoulder and fell asleep on my lap. I looked down at him. I couldn't believe this. Why could something so terrible happen to such a great family?

I wiggled out from under Milo trying my hardest not to wake him. I called Maddie and explained what happened to her and asked her to pick up Lyla from the airport. I also explained the idea of Milo to come live with us and as I expected she agreed. I then got Milo's phone from his pocket and went through his contacts informing all his family members.

It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Re-telling the scene at least twenty times to Rosa's family was almost as hard as watching it happen.

I didn't feel like calling all our friends so I decided to call Nate and ask him to tell everyone.

Soon after all that was done Maddie and AJ came home with Lyla and I watched with a broken heart as Lyla and Milo cried together.

Suddenly all of todays events came crashing through at full force with the addition of my concussion and I passed out on the living room floor.

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