Chapter 1

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(Before i begin this story Izuku will have his own quirk and his shy and stuttering nature wont be added)" My name is Izuku Midorya and this is my Story"

Growing up in a world where everyone has quirks is amazing on the day of my 5th birthday i was going to find out what kind of Quirk was going to manifest it wasn't until the morning of my birthday. When I woke up that I felt a disturbing pain on the left side of my back I was rushed to the doctor it wasn't until i got to the doctor he had asked i remove my shirt so he could further examine the area of pain. When I removed my shirt for further examination I had a black angel Wing growing from the left side of my back the doctors began to fear that this was the Quirk of a villain. At this point my body began to react to the fact that I was gaining multiple abilities such as super speed, quick healing, super strength, the power of flight and last but not least to be able to control fire but my fire was black.

The doctor then told my mother that it was best that she would try and keep me calm because if my power was to be unleashed at full strength there would be nothing but mass destruction. After the doctor's visit my childhood friend bakugou had asked me what my Quirk was I couldn't really explain what it was but I decided to show him the black flames and black Angle wing, he called it a villans quirk and from then on he said " you play the villian DEKU you have the perfect quirk" i was isolated due to the fact that my quirk had properties of darkness. I made a vow that no matter what anybody says I would become a hero wether they like it or not.

(9 years later) Growing up with my quirk which ive decided to call archangel ive closely studied all pro heros to find weaknesses and strengths that could help gain some form of advantage to how well our team comparability would work between our quirks. I hear the bell ring and hear the teacher say " Alright class we're going to have a test today" as everyone complained the teacher then said " im kidding about the test I know many of you will be going to diffrent schools but we have 2 students who will try to attend U.A."

Bakugou said " teach who is stupid enough to try and apply to U.A. when im already stronger than these fucks so dont compare me to anyone in this class" The teacher responded with " the second student who also applied to U.A. is none other than Izuku Midorya".

The Classroom fell Silent since everyone had isolated him he didnt like the fact that everyone avoided any contact with him just because of the fact that his quirks had villian like properties.

Bakugou said "What?!?!?!?!?!?! Deku you better withdraw your application to U.A. your villan like quirk will not be acknowledged by any hero"

Izuku: weather you like it or not im going to U.A. so that i can prove to everyone that i can use the power of Darkness to become a hero.

Chapter 1 end ( hopefully you enjoy my first work let me know what you think)

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