The Healing of a King

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Bilbo Baggins awoke disoriented. What happened last night? He probably passed out worried about Thorin in the battle. Thorin was most likely okay, Bilbo thought as he turned to see a non-moving Thorin. The hobbit suddenly remembered what had happened. He turned his head to see Gandalf, and he was immediately filled with rage. "YOU!" This caught Gandalf's attention.

"It seems you are up. Finally." The wizard said, relieved. However, Bilbo did not hear him, for he was too busy yelling.


Thorin? Was Thorin awake? Bilbo turned and was very sad to see that it was not the dwarf that held him back, but ropes. What was he tied up for? The burglar looked down at the ropes, but he could only see feathers. Feathers? Bilbo rolled over and was met with open air, nothing holding him back from certain death but the rope tied around the eagle's body.

He squeaked and snuck under the rope, freeing himself from the bounds. The Baggins moved Thorin to the center on the eagle so he wouldn't fall off. He grabbed the rope as if it was a set of reigns and looked over to see not only Gandalf riding an eagle, but Fili and Kili rode one as well.

Fili and Kili smiled when they saw that the hobbit had awoke. "It seems you are finally up, Uncle Bilbo!" Kili shouted. Bilbo's face twisted with confusion. Fili's face changed into a mixture of surprise and anger at the words of his brother. He couldn't contain himself from pushing Kili; however, he did not expect Kili to fall off the eagle, which he did. Kili slipped off the eagle and screamed for his brother. Bilbo's face was white with terror as he saw Kili fall. Suddenly, Kili arose on an eagle, Gandalf's eagle to be exact.

Gandalf had sent his eagle in a dive to catch the young dwarf after his brother pushed him off. Gandalf threw Kili back on his eagle behind his brother and said dryly, "Kili, falling off of anything at this height can be fatal. Please refrain from doing it again. And Fili, please do not risk the life of your kin over a simple slip of the tongue. Pushing people off eagles is bad for keeping the adventure pleasant."

Fili and Kili both looked down, but Fili quickly whispered an admonition to his brother. Bilbo heard, "We aren't supposed to tell!" Kili hung his head lower as Fili elbowed him in the stomach one last time before once again piloting the eagle.

Bilbo heard Gandalf say, "Rotten youngsters. Why did I ever..." and the wizard's sentence trailed off.

Gandalf turned to the hobbit and said, "Bilbo, I have not killed Thorin. What would have you believe such a thing? I merely put him in a state of slumber to slow his death. However, if we don't get to Rivendell soon, Elrond will be too late to heal the King. So kicking our brothers off of eagles is not particularly the best decision at this moment." The wizard shot a look at the twins before turning back to look for Rivendell.

Mr. Baggins sobbed with relief. His love was not dead. But reality gripped him as he remembered that he was to be soon. They needed to get to Elrond, and fast.

Bilbo sat on Thorin's stomach to keep both of them from falling to imminent death off the eagle. Thorin perhaps would have enjoyed this, had he not been slowly dying. Bilbo wiped away his tears as Rivendell was in sight.

The eagles dove down to the kingdom and when they landed, Bilbo tried to pick up Thorin, but was helped by Fili and Kili. Gandalf yelled to the guards, "Quickly! Get help! The King is dying!" At these words, Thorin woke up groggily, still bleeding. Gandalf gasped when he saw this. Thorin's death rate would dramatically increase if he was awake. "NOW, PLEASE! GET ELROND!" Gandalf shouted.

Nevertheless, the elves quickly carried Thorin inside, the ones who cared for him close behind. Thorin was carried inside the magnificent castle to a room full of herbs and potions and books. Elrond appeared by the doorway. "I will try to heal him. It may be too late."
Elrond said regretfully to Gandalf.

Bilbo walked inside the room where Thorin laid. "Thorin? Are you awake?" Bilbo asked hysterically.

Thorin grunted, obviously fading fast. "Not for long, my dear hobbit. But before I depart this world, I wanted to say that you mean more to me than all of the gold in Erebor. If only I had realized that when Bard came to my door. If I could go back again and be satisfied with just you, I would trade everything for it. I want you to go back to the Shire and remember me. I love you, Bilbo Baggins, my burglar, my hobbit. I will love you every moment I am still here and for long after. I will miss you dearly. I apologize for every harsh word I said to you, for I never meant it. I will think of you until I pass, but for now, you will always be in my..." Thorin's eyes closed slowly. Bilbo shook the dwarf. "DON'T LEAVE ME, THORIN! DON'T GO!" He sobbed loudly as Thorin's grip on his hand slackened.

An elf saw this and said, "Master! He is fading!" This jolted Elrond back to Thorin. He ran into the room and nodded at the elves.

Bilbo was busy trying to see the dwarf when he was suddenly picked up by two elves and escorted out of the room. "NO!" the hobbit screamed. "YOU CAN'T KEEP ME FROM HIM! LET ME SEE HIM! DON'T LEAVE ME, THORIN! I WILL ALWAYS COME BACK FOR YOU! I WILL ALWAYS COME BACK TO YOU!"

The elves threw Bilbo out of the room and shut the doors. Bilbo tried to open and pound the doors, but it did no good. Bilbo slid down to the ground, his back against the doors. He curled his knees to his chest and cried as he replayed Thorin's words in his head. "I love you. I love you. I love you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Bilbo vowed he would stay at this door until Thorin came out.

Bilbo stayed true to his oath, sitting for days outside the room, never eating, never sleeping, which was a big sacrifice for a hobbit. He would speak to no one, not even Fili and Kili, who had decided to sit with him. They all grieved Thorin. Sitting and waiting was even worse than seeing him fall in battle.

Apparently, Bilbo, Fili, and Kili looked like trolls that had just slept in mud, for Gandalf demanded they get up and do something. "We all know Thorin, living or dead, would want us all to pick ourselves up and not wait around in our own pity for him. At least get up and get something to eat. You must be starving."

Bilbo huffed to himself. "Starving doesn't matter when the life of the one you loves hangs in the balance."

Gandalf overheard this and retorted, "Making yourself ill will not help Thorin in any way. I'm sure that if he did die, he would not want his love to be in sickness in his last moments. Just get up and if Elrond comes with news, I will excuse you. At least try to do something other than stain the floors with tears. You may slip."

Bilbo, Fili, and Kili reluctantly went to the dining room and the elves nervously served them breakfast. The young men ate their food, trying not to enjoy it; this was very hard, however, for it was elven-cooked. The food brightened the twins' moods slightly, but the cloud of grief still hung over Bilbo. He hadn't realized how much he needed the dwarf before now. He wondered how he survived so many years alone in his Hobbit-hole.

Thorin was now his other half. Thorin was half of Bilbo's heart. And when Thorin hurt, Bilbo did too. You see, Bilbo had not fallen in love before Thorin. He didn't know that in moments like this, you would rather rip your heart out than wait for answers. Bilbo quietly ate his bread, not looking at anyone. Thorin on his deathbed was all the hobbit could see. Thorin's last words were all he could hear.

That is, until, a huge set of doors opened. Bilbo wondered if the rest of the company had joined them. He did not wish to try telling them what had happened. Luckily for him, he didn't have to. Elrond had entered with his apprentices, their faces without emotion. Bilbo nearly knocked over the table running to them. "What has become of Thorin? Is he okay?"

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